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Wife update / Connsessions

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 10:54 pm
by buddydogs
Sorry that it has taken so long to post any thing after Carbondale just so much going on.
I got home after Carbondale's event and told my wife what had taken place she wanted me to tell all of you thank you from the bottom of her heart for all your help, thoughts and prayers and god bless all of you.

After Carbondale's event and the Gentleman that came to the house a couple weeks ago your generosity has made such a impact my wife said that we will be able to make it and survive now.
So I want to say a special thank you to all of you for lifting some weight off my shoulders and that I will never forget what you all have done for us I will always consider you all family to me.

As far as the health of my wife she is holding her own, she has had 3 chemo treatments with some adjustments that her body will allow. She has her good days and bad days but over all
she is doing good and hanging tough and has her mind set to beat it.

Plan to be in Iowa Sometime Saturday the 14th to set up for Sundays event
Hope to see you all there and once again thanks to all of you for your support
and God Bless all of you.

Buddy Dogs / Tim