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Milford Race Reports

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2013 10:54 pm
by bugler
Wow what an awesome day and track! I had a great time and rode well.
Did anyone see this snake on the first lap of the second race? ... =1&theater

Re: Milford Race Reports

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2013 11:25 pm
by davidjo997
Yeah, I saw It too. it freaked me out and when I almost ran over it, I saw it snap at me and almost bite me.

Re: Milford Race Reports

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 7:40 am
by Btrigg88
I had fun watching this one. Traveled with Silva 740 out of Lawrence. Didn't see any bikes on the road which I thought was a little strange. Did the meet and greet with the usual 700 suspects. Checked in on Tank who looked like crap and was hacking up a lung (and maybe breakfast). I walked the track in the early am and found the conditions better than perfect. Some of the hard lines weren't quite tracked in yet so I was glad the faster guys were up first. I didn't see too much carnage, even the little guys were owning the mud pit and charging up the big hills. It was fun to see the kids getting most of the trophies in 800-900. It's good to see that the series has a bright future. I just don't want to get smoked by 13 year old kids all the time! I'll post what vids I have later today. I'm glad I didn't see any snakes-all I saw was miles of poison ivy and beautiful scenery.

Re: Milford Race Reports

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 9:17 am
by wadedawg
I arrived early to watch the PEEWEE race, Those little guys and girls are a hoot to watch. Some of them got it going on and some of them ride like...... well, like they just like to ride and don't care if there is a race going on around them. I can relate to that because after all that is why most of us are there. Thanks to all the sweep riders, Dan, and our government for making this race happen.
I suck at hill climbs so this race was pretty intimidating for me which brings me to an apology..... I tried to down shift at the top of the hill that banana curved to the left and found neutral. The poor rider that was shadowing me had no place to go but backwards down the hill. I am truly sorry for my blunder and pray you didn't get hurt.

If snakes could talk, I wonder what kinda story he has for his grandkids.

Re: Milford Race Reports

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 8:51 pm
by WireFryer
bugler wrote:
Did anyone see this snake on the first lap of the second race?
Yes I did! Got him on my GoPro.... thinking he was some kind of Redneck cobra! (fairly certain it was a dandy Rat Snake, or a very dark Bull Snake).

Tank and I almost got wasted Saturday morning before we even left Wichita. We where BS'ing away after loading his bike and leaving his place, when I took the I-35 exit off of K-96 at 50mph.... too bad it was covered with black ice.

I would like to thank Osbourne Speedway, Rooks County Speedway, WaKeeny Speedway, Garry Abell, and whatever they call the circle track in Red Cloud, Nebraska these days, for providing the skills used to save our assets :wink: .

We got out to see if everything was still there, and noticed a Trooper working a wadded up minivan at the base of the hill.

Had to stop in Newton, Ks. to pick up OnTheRocks 200MXC so I could have something to ride this weekend, but the poor thing spent a week in CO... a month ago.... and got dropped off dripping wet :roll: .

We get to the ORV area, and it's got snow here and there, and not an arrow to be seen.

It rained and snowed all day Friday.... so Dan & Sons Inc. couldn't get anything done.

Here's how it went down.... Me and Tank got Jaden and hammered out 2 miles. Dan and Grayson attempted to stay ahead of us but failed.

Then Dan told Tank and I to make the Spruce section.. on up to the chat-pile starting area..., our baby, so we did :mrgreen: .

Used every last square foot of it, hope everybody liked it..... cuz' I did!.

Mr. Wolfe, and the elder TeamBrawner Sons show up just in time to take it from there. (thanks guys!)

Camping at the School Creek A campground that evening was Legendary, and will remain within House, though rumors are sure to circulate. I just wish that poor dog would have decided to come on down and shared dinner with us.

Race day dawns bright and sharp... I ran 1.25 laps on Lorens bike yesterday.

It has a week of Colorado spooge all over it, the brakes are shot, the shifter is falling off, had to change back to a 178 Main and move the clip one notch on the needle, odd white-ish stains about the gas cap, the brand new tires it left with aren't fit for someones moped at this time yatta, yatta... typical Colorado.

But it still runs like a stripped-assed-ape!! :mrgreen:

Tank and I get to drop the board for the Fast half, so we do.. everybody got to see a bit of FM history, whether they knew it or not. Thank you Dan.

Ran my practice loop after the fast show, and come to the conclusion that the place is SICK fast and why the hell are there only 95 entries?

Line up for the start, 9 riders in the 700 club? 600's are just as thin.

FunFact!.... small KTM200 2stroke kickstart levers do not even remotely act like 250 4stroke ones..

Board drops, and I whiff that kickstarter so hard.... China called and knocked 200 million off our National Debt if we promise to never do that again.(only the Old School will get that one.. :wink: )

I get her going after three kicks despite the collective groans behind me from my peer group.

Been riding there since 1990 back in the bad ol'days and the traction was so good even after the Fast half tuned the course felt like sending a check to somebody!

I guess we are all going to have to get used to calling her... Mrs. Stretz... (TS... :mrgreen: your gonna' be Go-Girl-Go-Go-Go! till I'm done racin!)

What I am not quite getting is the short Brunette ponytail 800 glued to Shredders back fender on lap 1 when he zapped me! Mark has done well.

Kept my times within the minute, re-affirmed the fact that a light 2stroke suits my riding style and throttle hand after it starts working again.

Now I just got to get me one.

Talk to us!



Re: Milford Race Reports

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 9:45 pm
by shredder
Man oh Man Baby!!!
What a day. What a race. What a track. Those up hills always seem bigger at the bottom of them huh Wade?

Wow the soil felt like velcro and we were all railing it for sho! (well except for those dang nabbbit sand traps).

We were all going to yell out up at the starting line but most of us missed our cue from Randy as we don't put in our hearing aids while we are racing. Sorry man.

My mantra was to just get a good start and keep it clean and push hard all day. Do or die for me cause I'm running out of opportunities to catch the SloMoJo train. The sign drops and I hear the ol for stroke fire up so I slip in in, grab a healthy amount of throttle, feather the clutch and lean into it and start to lift my feet and...nothing. wha? nothing...ok - say wha, again? I realize my bike really hasn't started, what I heard was someone else's bike start up. Crap. (crap, crap, crap, crap.) I quickly squeeze the clutch handle and hit er again. and again. (now I know how Brad feels) I slipped it in neutral with a boot tap up and she fires (rare that this worked as I usually have to lean over and use my hand). Ok LET'S KICK SOME BUTT! I line it up, set the trim and just hammer it while feathering the clutch but I'm feeling the rear eat and waiting for it to smooth out. She really starts kicking me so I figure I need to hit the after burner and just go super sonic when I see Ol SloMoJo go ripping by me. (He totally snubbed me by the way, like I wasn't even there. No wave, no "hows it going" or not even small talk about the weather? How rude!) The last thing I see is Pam and Alisha in their red shirts standing up on the left side by the big tree. I realize that I'm going to have to settle this unbroken mare down quickly so I just shift some weight to the rear (boy my wife hates it when I say that), adjust the handle bars to regain control, start to pull up on the front wheel and just as I come to realize that "Hey...I got this" I wake up sitting in a sand box somewhere, dirt bikes whizzing by taunting me, out of breath and I see a dirt bike laying on the ground close to me and my left wrist is stinging nefariously.

Ok. What really happened is that Joe actually did have an original Acme Huskvarmit Husky killer hidden in the sand about 4" below the surface. It's magnetic pulse messes up only the Husky ECU computer and spark pulse. The magnetic field levitates the rear suspension causing violent swerving loss of control. As I get right over it the front wheel hit the trip wire which sets off the grenade that generates a shock wave sending the bike and it's pilot into orbit. No wonder he is all "I'm getting out of Dodge in a hurry!" He knows the Huskyvarmit is about to go off! No wonder he stayed clear over to the right side of the starting line farthest from the bomb site.

I get help from a cool guy who wastes no time getting my bike re-tuned so I can get my hands back on the controls and set my attack knob to devcon 5 and my attitude to 11. I still had to ride the whole day with a shattered ego, broken confidence (compound fracture I might add) an altered attitude and a huge bag of stinky jack squat hanging around my neck. Someone once said "Do not accept a rider's speed as your own especially if you just caught up with them". So I don't back off..I just reloaded and started picking them off. Dan and crew had laid velcro on everything but the mud bog and the shinny rocks so I was railing that track all day. I got hooked up with 1075 and we were running like ladies to a shoe sale on labor day. wow. We tore it up. I tried to pass 3 times in the sand (whadda ya thinkin?) but went down all three. I'm going home and use the power washers to get all this sand out of all the nooks and cranny's. For me it was like ready, shoot, aim. Every time I went down I just wanted to find a nice shady spot and take a nap but the thought of seeing ol SloMoJoe kicking sand in my eyes again got me back on my feet.

Oh one more thing...Tim I let someone else rid my bike for a bit so that footage of that silly guy crashing you caught on your go pro wasn't me (maybe a stunt double?) Where did he crash anyway? Oh. In the sand? Umm Hmmm...oh no don't know who that was. :wink:


Re: Milford Race Reports

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 10:32 pm
by Btrigg88
Here's what I could put together from Sunday. ... MTE2MjI%3D

Re: Milford Race Reports

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 10:34 pm
by Superfast
Missed the snake but saw the bee's! They were everywhere :shock:

We pulled in Saturday afternoon just as the course work was finishing up. Made a lap with Wirefryer and took a second lap with Shredder when he got there. You can't let these old guys out on the course alone, even with the arrows they might not find their way back :roll:

Spent Saturday night over in the campground with the boys. Had some good food, great laughs and didn't manage to burn the place down. Wirefryer, I agree about the dog, would have been nice if he came to visit.

Sunday morning started early, getting stuff packed up and head back over to the ORV park. I bypassed the first practice, figure I would let the fast guys burn it in good, then go check it out.

Head out for the afternoon practice with Shredder, time to get warmed up, I set a pretty quick pace but the old man was right there on my fender. Kind of surprised me a bit, I mean he is half a century old :shock:

Head to "the bowl" for the start, pumped up and ready to rock. The 700 line is a little smaller than normal but all the major players are there, time to get this thing going. The board drops and I managed a good start from the far left side, hit the beach in third behind Chad and Silva. The first lap was a pretty fast freight train, the 3 of us started to get a little gap on the rest of the class.

On the second lap I hit the second bluff climb right on Silva's fender, we shot up the hill, he took the left hand turn a little wide and I managed to get the wheel on him and took over second on the downhill side. Lost a little time to Chad but time to get caught up.

The next 3 laps were pretty uneventful, stayed on Chad's tail with Silva right behind me. I glanced back every once in a while, and yup, he was still there. I couldn't help but think about the Merwin race, he was on my fender the whole race ...... Maybe he is used to it by now :lol:

Lap 6 got kind of exciting, started feeling pressure on my rear fender, I knew Silva was back there and figured he wanted the position and was prepping for battle. I stepped up the pace a little, blocked all the inside corners, if he was going to make it by, I wasn't going to make it easy. I hit the wide open section heading out towards the water in 5th gear, not quite pinned, saw a front fender off to my right, pinned the throttle and blocked the pass just before hitting the little rock ledge. Over the next few miles the battle continued, one time I felt a bark buster in my side, the next time a front wheel on my boot. I started thinking to myself, wow this is pretty aggressive, so I take a look back and notice it was 629 :shock: I let him pass as soon as I saw his plate ( I met him at the finish line and apologized, I would have let him by much sooner had I known! It's all good, no hard feelings on either side). Finished the race in Second Place.

Now I had to wait and see how the Seniors finish. Shredder and Slomojo had been talking the "Senior Smack" all week, calling each other "boobs" and executing "nefarious plans". (Still stuck on that one, nefarious ...... how did Joe come up with a word like that :o ) Anywhoo, even Dan had a surprised look on his face when he read the trophy list and saw that Shredder had beat Joe! Guess the nefarious plan didn't work out so well ....... Good racing Shredder, coming back up to third place after that yard sale of a start, that's something we can talk about around the campfire for years to come! (Yes, Joe, we will talk of your "nefarious plan" also!).

The weekend was a blast, the course conditions were prefect and layout was awesome! Thanks to Dan and the boys for getting this one set up at the last minute and making it a great event.

Re: Milford Race Reports

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 8:49 am
by shredder
OK. I do not pretend to be a computer genius so help me out here. Where did the right side of the screen go? I can't see the last few bits on the right side and I can't tell for sure if someone is friend or for because some of the words are gone.
Anyone else having the same problem?

PS - My computer does not have an "any" key...dooh! :wink:

Re: Milford Race Reports

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 9:45 am
by swedishfishmx
I was wondering that too Shredder, but mine is fixed now.