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EL Dorado Race Reports

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2013 10:55 pm
by shredder
Holy cow!!! I am now positive I know where all rocks come from...Yup. All rocks in the entire world are from this place and anyone that's raced here would agree.

Got to watch the fast guys take off and go watch them attack the climbs and ruts and such - it was exciting to say the least. We got jacked up! Also got to watch all the workers and team Devon Turley getting us unstuck off the hill. BTW Mr Turley is one hell of a motivator to get my butt pumping again! GO GO GO GO!!! hee hee hee.

Two days ago I was in bed under the covers for 48 hours and couldn't even take out my car keys and just the thought of sitting on a dirtbike made me sick (literally). The doc put me on a super steroid for the poison ivy (as per milford lake) so I was able to stand and get down to El Dorado and line up. As the lines of races are taking off We seniors are all looking around and shrugging our shoulders as Joe still isn't lined up! Holy cow man he is still MIA...What has happened? The sign drops and we go. I did ok but my arms and wrists are like wet noodles before we even hit the woods. I skipped practice to maintain strength but I didn't realize it would be this bad. I slowly (get it? slowly?) get picked off. Somehow I was able to get mad at the rocks and maybe Devon helped a little too but I kept moving. I realized it was easier going faster, so I did. Still a pretty lithargic performance but I was able to finish, there's that.

I came to bang Joe and at least slo him down anyway as I plot to take away the coveted 2nd place year end trophy. (First is out of the question as Chris Locke has a hold of 1st so tight he actually made it into a diamond (great guy and man he can pound it out!)) I guess Joe was still out doing practice and got back to the start 2 minutes after we left. He still put it out there and pushed hard anyway. The girls saw him go down in the creek and busted him a bit. I managed to pull out a 4th and Joe a 5th. Every time I went down I just knew I was going to have to look up and see his smile as he blows by but it never happened. I didn't know if he had a flat or what.

What I'm trying to say is that as of today, Joe and I are now locked in a tie.


a dead even tie. He is actually the better as he has better finishes so it all has to be settled at Carbondale. Win or loose he is a real battle companion and made racing this year very electric for me as well as all the guys who line up in my row. It's been exciting but a shootout and at the last race? SWEET!

Hope your doing ok Joe.

Re: EL Dorado Race Reports

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 12:52 pm
by CowTown
Christopher was the only one who raced yesterday. Let's just say he had some "issues" with those rocks and ruts. After 13 rounds the Trail Rider class is all tied up and Carbondale will decide the championship.

I did get in some riding and enjoyed the course. Carolynn and I were out on course taking some photos. Check them out the below link: ... mbles.html

Re: EL Dorado Race Reports

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 1:36 pm
by wadedawg
While watching the go pro video this morning I realized all the fall colors..... Pretty awesome scenery (Those rocks must have had my undivided attention). The Senior class lined up and soon discovered SLOMOJOE was no where to be seen.. We decided he must still be out on his mandatory 6 mile warm-up or maybe setting up another trap for Shredder. The board drops and away we go I get to the trees in 4th and soon realize Shredder has taken on the roll as the tortoise instead of the hare. I make a move on him as we leave the grassy section and take 3rd. As we finish lap 1 I am only seconds behind 1063 Todd. He pulled out of the way and now I am in 2nd!!!! Did you hear that.... 2nd WOOOOP! I cant believe it. I am sure you'all know what happens when you get to thinkin stead of ridin.... Yup, I get sideways in a rut and while the right leg is stretched out trying to regain balance my left shoulder does a linebacker maneuver on an Oak tree! Just what I needed 1. A bump to get me back in the saddle and 2. A wake up call to keep my mind on the rocks. My best finish yet.... 2nd !!!!!!!
A big shout out to the staff at Camp Galilee for providing the Fall landscape for us to play, The sweep riders and the support help at the gnarly rock climbs, and Dan for the endless hours he puts into making the FMHSC happen.

Re: EL Dorado Race Reports

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 5:36 pm
by E.A.
CowTown wrote:Christopher was the only one who raced yesterday. Let's just say he had some "issues" with those rocks and ruts. After 13 rounds the Trail Rider class is all tied up and Carbondale will decide the championship.

I did get in some riding and enjoyed the course. Carolynn and I were out on course taking some photos. Check them out the below link: ... mbles.html

Thanks for the photos, and the Blog.... I literally read them every time you post, and always enjoy the photos greatly. Thanks for putting them up, and putting them up in such an easy to see format!

Other then that it was a pretty awesome race.
The course was as hard as I remember it, (I am not a fan of rocks)
After getting over the issues with the first lap, it was the best battle all year.
Lap after lap, position changes galore, rocks flying... grass flying...
And those dang big hill climb rock sections where you NEVER know what to expect! I want to say thanks to #841 for making it the most exciting race yet!

See you all later

Re: EL Dorado Race Reports

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2013 12:32 am
by ososlo
As a trail rider I would like to give a huge thank you to the safetys who helped me up the first rock climb a couple times. My rear tire isn't the greatest as my new one hadn't made it in yet, and I lost traction right before the climb. Without their help keeping the bike stable, as I was beyond gassed, I would have probably not made it to the end.

It was definitely a challenge, and a great race. I have a little bit of footage of the first groups starting if anyone would like to see how they did off the line. I am going to put a short video together, but if anyone wants it sooner feel free to pm me.

Re: EL Dorado Race Reports

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2013 9:42 am
by advbeach
This place was awesome!!!
Pulled in around 12:30 and found a fellow 700 rider to park with. Suited up and checked in at the trailer, then headed out for a quick practice lap. Having never rider here before I wasn't sure what to expect. Lets just say after my warm up lap I wasn't feeling to confident. I was lucky enough to get the holeshot and hold on to it. Entered the creek with the pack hot on my heels and soon I was catching up to some 600 riders. Went through scoring in 1st place and new I would really have to push it to hold my position. I've had some good starts this year but have never had any luck holding them. I was determined this time to push as hard as I could knowing at any moment Chad, Scott, Ryan, Dave or any of the 700 riders would show up and ruin my fun. On the second lap a blue yamaha came blasting past, I was sure it was Scott and he was moving, no way I could keep up. Made it into scoring again and was surprised to see the #1 show up on the screen, must have been a 600 yamaha. I new I was in pretty good shape after making it through the grass track and not seeing any other riders behind me. I just kept telling my self don't get lazy, keep up the pace, don't sit down. Another 3 laps went by without incident and I crossed the checkered flag in 1st place!! It felt really good to finally finish first. I'm looking forward to Carbondale, we should have perfect conditions, see you all there.

Re: EL Dorado Race Reports

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2013 10:45 am
by Btrigg88
Good job Silva for your first 1st place! Watch out for Ryan at Carbondale. After he figured out his fuel filter and front sprocket issues, he might start doing some preventive maintance all the time!

Re: EL Dorado Race Reports

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 11:09 pm
by motoracr199
What a day,

So my race consisted of about this;

Lap 1. Good start, got third and almost made the pass in the field before dropping into the creek. That was the best that I'd do all day, the rest of lap one went..... crash, crash, crash... crash, crash, crash, get brake pedal caught up on tree and bent out really bad, stop at truck to "readjust" the pedal with a hammer :twisted:

The rest of the race. Crash * 10-15 times and continue to move backwards to the 7's &1000's then 8's and 9's.

It was a rough day for me, (pun intended) but I still had a good time riding my motorcycle and being w/ y'all on a beautiful autumn day at a great facility!