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Carbondale Talk

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2013 10:58 pm
by shredder
Only you can prevent forest fires, so DON'T POKE THE BEAR!

See you there Karl! I will have a pile of letters of intent in my camel back so I'll hand you one before I try our traditional pass.

Re: Carbondale Talk

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 12:11 pm
by E.A.
Looking forward to smelling like a cedar tree by the time I leave.

Since every time I ride there, I end up clipping like 92 of those trees.



Re: Carbondale Talk

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 5:15 pm
by shredder
I'll tell you what Erik,
it's a phenomenon called Carbon - dork. It has been happening for ...well since I've been around anyway. The military even comes and does riding tests, soil samples, speed tests and even shadow / light testing. No one is really sure but best guess is this:

(Oh by the way Wirefryer knows the actual real reason as his high security clearance allows but by the time ya get him drunk enough to spill his guts...well...he spills his guts and then goes to sleep so we may really ever know)

In the end of the year our anticipation is high and adrenaline runs freely and sharpens our senses so thus as we fly by the pines it's a blur at first and all is ok. We racers get used to said preliminary rate but as we tend to speed up or slow down and add in the element of the low sitting sun constantly blinking at our eyes we see abstract illusions of the trees at a different rate. It's like brain washing. These pulses at first are just annoying but after a couple of laps we start to see the tree trunks and start to migrate toward the centers and shave off as much as we can to pick up some time and we start hitting the branches. The more we try to speed up and cut the trees at the same time we tend to get slapped even more and are actually shocked every time we get hit again.

This same phenomenon can cause dizziness even to the point of nausea. T Climber would take medicine to combat these effects but he was always so fast that most of the time the Carbon-dork would set in and get him.

Don't bring this up out in public or at a rider's meeting because it's something we don't talk about. Folks who talk about it "disappear" or "go away" and no one really see's or hears from them again...


We all just haul butt and push it so hard that as we gain in on the racer in front of us we are getting slapped from the guy in front of us. (Joe Leaderhouse is the King of slappers)

By the way Joe my adapter kit called "The Honda Killer" came in today. It's a rocket assist to boost short bursts of power on the straights for passing. I hope to have it mounted up before Carbondale to get around you dude. :wink:

Like they say, what does "he" know?

Re: Carbondale Talk

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 7:05 pm
by WireFryer
shredder wrote:
(Oh by the way Wirefryer knows the actual real reason as his high security clearance allows but by the time ya get him drunk enough to spill his guts...well...he spills his guts and then goes to sleep so we may really ever know)
Welll... it's not too hard to explain. All of of ya' that have a handheld GPS, or a GPS tracking app on your phone can bring it along on your practice lap to see just how cleverly Paul has used every last square foot of property to get 6-7 miles per lap.

Now, your GPS will not function on 3 parts of the loop due to the buried UFO's on both sides of the flyash piles as they exude a silly amount of EM discharge, (which fortunately KTM had the foresight to shield their ignition systems from..... as the the same phenomenon is common in Northern Europe the closer you get to the Russian border) .

Excuse me..., a black van just pulled in my driveway and guys in black jumpsuits are banging on the door, these trick-or-treaters can be a real pain in the assssssssssssssssssss/l,arsd'g;kjsd;tohinus[

Re: Carbondale Talk

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 8:44 pm
by shredder
:lol: :lol: :lol: :shock:

Re: Carbondale Talk

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 9:08 pm
by quik406
UFO's? That explains the flyash pile. We always called it "the moon" section.

Re: Carbondale Talk

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 9:51 pm
by shredder
quik406 wrote:UFO's? That explains the flyash pile. We always called it "the moon" section.
Now I know the real reason T-Climber, myself and others have the dizziness sometimes in certain areas.


Re: Carbondale Talk

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 8:07 am
by Btrigg88
Going to miss this one. You guys must be doing something right to get all this rain a few days before the race. It should be just about perfect come noon on Sunday. This is just about carbon copy weather as the no points race.

Re: Carbondale Talk

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 12:09 pm
by Iamdanjohnson
Paul says camping is okay. Park to conserve space don't park sideways and block a lot of other people from having a place to park there isn't enough room. Absolutely!, No riding Saturday.

No pewees. Single race at noon.

Re: Carbondale Talk

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 7:31 pm
by tclimber
I am planning on coming out to watch you all cant wait. see you sunday :lol: