Thank you

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Thank you

#1 Post by grabbingears03 » Thu Oct 31, 2013 4:29 pm

I would like to start off by saying thank you dan for setting a fun course once again.

I raced the second race at 2 and was having a great time! I was racing around from 2nd to 3rd and back to 2nd. Around mile 5 or so on my first lap I was at the hill that when you get to the top there is the power lines after about .3 miles of woods.

So I was headed up this hill and about 1/2 up the hill when my front tire caught a rock and sent me towards a tree. My barkbuster caught the tree, which sent the left side of the handlebar back. The barkbuster caught my hand and at the time I had thought had sprained it.

Conveniently, about 30 seconds later a guy on a Kawasaki and a senior class worker stopped to help me. The Kawasaki rider (didn't catch his number or name) got my bike to the top.

The senior rider then went looking for a way out because I knew I was done. While he was gone another worker pulled up and waited with me.

When he came back they both escorted me out and I got back to the truck. The guy on the ktm helped me put my bike on the stand.

My dad got back and we loaded up and went home. I put ice on it for the way home. My parents said that it was probably just sprained it really bad.

So I went to school the next day and my mom made an appointment with a doctor to have it x rayed.

Well it turns out that I bent my wrist bone. I am young so it bent and not broke it. So I am out for two weeks.

The point I am trying to get to is thank you to the people who stopped and helped. I never got the chance.

Wyatt Niermann

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