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2014 Numbers

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 1:34 pm
by Iamdanjohnson
Read every word of this before you take action or ask me a question…

Ready for some 2014 numbers? This year will be like last year. First let’s review some very important things that give our series numbers meaning. The first digit indicates what class you are in (i.e. 5 = C Vet Advanced). Two digit numbers are earned and can NOT be used by anyone else during the season even if it is not being used (i.e. 53). Look at the top ten list on the homepage and see what your number is but make sure you haven’t bumped out by percentile. If the rider number has a ZERO in the middle it means that rider has moved up from a lower class. These are only used for that purpose and the final digit has no sequence or meaning. (i.e. 503). From the first class digit and then above 10 the numbers are open to anyone (i.e.510). I would prefer to give the number to the racer who had it last year but I really can’t do more than let it be on a first come first served basis.

The next most important thing is that each class is based on speed and some on speed AND age. The way we have it set up, if you are over 35 you can ride the under 35 class if you choose. I personally prefer we keep them split and over 35 guys ride the Vet classes, but it is up to you. If you are under 35 you cannot enter a Vet class. I think the classes may fill in better if we try to stick to all +35 riders in the Vet classes.
Look here to see what your percentile was from last year. Use the drop down to sort by class, name, etc… ... tiles.aspx

Keep in mind that the final average on the right only counts 70% of the totals. Also, look at each race and see what you are capable of and make a solid decision right from the start of the season. It really kind of wears me out how many people want to ride down one class and whine and beg to be allowed to. If you are on the cut off you likely should be riding up a class. ESPECIALLY at the lower levels. Not so much for the B class and up. This percentile stuff is not the absolute factor, it is more of a guideline to get things where they belong and keep them there. It has more variation in it this year due to the split format but it is still pretty close. If you really look close you may see that some of your high numbers were high for everyone in the race. Some races just fluctuate up and others go down a bit.

Here is a link to the 2014 classes. ... 14-classes

At this point you know your speed, know your class, and now you need to pick a number. I would prefer to give the number to the racer who had it last year but I really can’t do more than let it be on a first come first served basis.

Go here and look to see if it is available. This list opens to alphabetical but the list you are used to seeing is found by clicking on bike# availability in the select view list. I will keep this list as current as I can but there is that chance it shows available but someone just requested it. I will be keeping track of the order the requests are done. Give me three choices.

And finally, all this can be done on line by you. Just go here…

Just follow the directions and it is a snap. This will let you take a minute to update all of your personal information. DO IT. I need up to date records so I can contact you. All of this goes in a cue and I will approve it. DO NOT ORDER NUMBERS UNTIL YOU GET A CONFIRMATION that you got the first choice you put in for AND I suggest you make sure you see your number on the number report online. That is the official list and I can’t think of anything that would cause that not to be verification enough for you to order numbers. If you can’t make this work or just want to do it the old fashioned way, ONLY then, contact me by email at and leave all your information and the number you want. I will make sure I assign them by the actual time requested and compare that to the online ones coming in.

Once you have confirmed your number, PLEASE visit our new sponsor log in at the top left and order up some numbers and other products. The discount is generally 25%. 2013 Riders who had an email address on their card will already have an account set up. You must: Use the email address that is tied to FMHSC and your password is going to be your Zip Code. If I have any errors in the database or if you didnt give me an email you will just contact them and tell them you are with our series to get the discount. This will apply to new riders as well.

First time rider info... ... rider-info

I think that should get this thing rolling. Contact me if I have left something out.

Re: 2014 Numbers

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 3:27 pm
by birdsanddogs
When are my numbers going to be approved. Lol. I can't even get through the first step w/o complaining. Imagine me at the race. Hehehe maybe that's why you have not approved my numbers.

You do a great job with the series Dan. It's been fun watching it grow.

Hope to see you this weekend. I'll be the one without any numbers.

Re: 2014 Numbers

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 5:45 pm
by birdsanddogs
Wallah - Dan's the Man!