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2014 decisions

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 2:03 pm
by Iamdanjohnson
Senior class is now called Vet and will have Vet 40 as the listing. It is important that we all help guide others at sign up for all classes but especially this one as people really gravitate toward that Vet designation so lets help them pick the right one. The top of the class cuts off at 74 and I plan to use that as a guideline only. It will be obvious if someone needs to move on up to C Vet.

The first few years we did this I had slighlty different cut off points and I moved them to fill classes better. That line seems elusive and the classes seem to be big or small and seldom equal between C and C advanced. As an experiment, I am raising C and C Vet to 79 and the two advanced classes to 84. The spreadsheet says this will have some crazy equal class numbers from B all the way down with about 35 eligible for each class down to the 900's.

Side note really but we would all be better off if we just use the numbers to describe the class and not the names. All confusion almost goes away. Except for that misconception that 600's are the next faster class than 700's when they are exactly the same. For those hung up on that B Vet thing, I added that in the description of C Vet Advanced as that is almost exactly the speed of other series that use the B Vet. Dropping the name really helps with this level also.

I have the numbers open now so read that thread ENTIRELY to save me a lot of work.

I have not posted the schedule as I am waiting on a couple more people to confirm but if you go to the results page, you can see 14 races listed and about 12 are actual dates. Walter's needs confirmed based on turkey season 2014 and that will not be announced yet. Melvern date still needs a few things worked out to be final. The rest will likely be as listed but I will post something when all dates are final. Sometimes one change moves several.

Three new locations all of them within about two mile of each other. All are about 10 miles east of Adrian. Two to the north I called Adrian on the schedule and there will be a two day at the one to the south and I called it Ballard as that is actually the closest City to all of them. We may need to start calling them by a race name finally.

Still a slim chance that one more new location will be added but I couldnt get that done at this point.

2014 classes and rules are on the information page.

I do still need to decide a way to have a way for someone to earn both averages on race day. One would allow them to work and ride and the other would not. All promoters need help on race day so I need to keep things in such a for that to work out. One average was supposed to be for set up but if we dont need help, we may as well use somone or race day and still let them race if it is their average that allows that. I will get something up soon or at least have it in place for next year.

I have the percentile police in place now. I will be contacting those of you who offered. Sorry about not being able to have uniforms and I really dont see the need for a gun!

Were there any other issues?

Re: 2014 decisions

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 8:05 pm
by shredder
OH..My..Gawd....Another blasted year goes by and we still may have missed the most important element that would make our series the greatest ever...


Boxing has them, NASCAR has em, the NFL has em, Monster truck shows have them even!!!

Oh for crying out loud Dan, you missed the boat AGAIN!!! And for those of you with sawdust in your cranium...

Trophy Girls!!!


Re: 2014 decisions

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2013 7:43 am
shredder wrote:OH..My..Gawd....Another blasted year goes by and we still may have missed the most important element that would make our series the greatest ever...


Boxing has them, NASCAR has em, the NFL has em, Monster truck shows have them even!!!

Oh for crying out loud Dan, you missed the boat AGAIN!!! And for those of you with sawdust in your cranium...

Trophy Girls!!!

Motocross has them :D