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Eagle Ranch, Collins Missouri

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 7:20 pm
by shredder
Eagle Ranch is our first race on March 2nd. Yup. I haven't been on my bike since last race, sad to say but it's true. The banquet was fantastic. The food was even better than usual with all the extra lasagna out there and too many cookies to count. It was really great the way they lined up each class so all can see who it is doing battle together race after race. I really liked that. It's cool to see the respect in each others eyes and hear the chit chat about this and that about little battles here and there through out last year. My wife and I really enjoyed that.

I got to see Joe Leaderhouse who beat my fanny to a pulp all last year. I really had dug a hell of a hole for myself by falling behind and not up until on the last lap at the last race where I got Joe by .004 seconds did I earn the coveted #1002 number plate back. Joe did catch me and hit my rear tire just as I crossed the scoring line. (He likes to remind me from time to time that he is still back there stalking me and ready to attack.)

Back at the banquet we both went to sign up for Collins and the Lady asked Joe what number he wanted..."1003!" he said. "Ouch I exclaimed, I bet that hurt!" and chuckled a bit...Then we had to fill out our percentile section and Joe says "whats your speed percentile Dennis?" I says "same as yours hot shot!" Well it turns out that I'm actually at 72.9 and Joe sits at a full 73 percent average. Joe says "well I got ya there Dennis...I am faster than you!!!" I just said DOOOH!!!, as wisely as a guy could.

Oh and by the way Dan could you please explain to me how the first race of the year (2014) Just happens to be March 2nd which is Joe's birthday and at a track that he just loves to run? Oh boy! Pay back is going to be flowing freely I'm sure!!!
Hee hee he....
Braaap! :wink:

Re: Eagle Ranch, Collins Missouri

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 9:30 pm
by slomojo

Re: Eagle Ranch, Collins Missouri

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 6:06 pm
by swedishfishmx
I just hope they have this start again :lol:

Collins Holeshot

Re: Eagle Ranch, Collins Missouri

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 8:48 pm
by shredder
That's SWEET! :wink:

Re: Eagle Ranch, Collins Missouri

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 9:46 pm
by oldmandave59
I do not see a Senior class for 2014 on classes post , but I see it in the rules.

Re: Eagle Ranch, Collins Missouri

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 3:36 pm
by Ed M
oldmandave59 wrote:I do not see a Senior class for 2014 on classes post , but I see it in the rules.
Dave, I believe it is now called the Vet 40 class, the class number 1000 is the same as previous years.

Oh hell, now we have rules too :mrgreen:

Re: Eagle Ranch, Collins Missouri

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 5:13 pm
by grabbingears03
Can we get a trail report?

Re: Eagle Ranch, Collins Missouri

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 5:39 pm
by Iamdanjohnson
It's Thursday. You may have to wait until someone actually goes there.

Re: Eagle Ranch, Collins Missouri

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 10:13 pm
by shredder
Trail Report....

The trails are well marked and the soil damp but not too damp. No dust at all. No rocks either. Great twists and turns some uphill stuff and some downhill but not too much with 10 percent less off camber than from previous years. Temps are a perfect 75 degrees which is awesome for this time of year and plenty of head clearance on the trail if ya like to stand on the pegs or your running a go pro. Remember to turn hard left and take the inside line where the old barn used to be by the big tree and you will be fine. The only important thing to remember is the huge log next to the sink hole but you will know it when you find...I promise. There is some slick spots where it's slippery and not where it's not. Another thing...momentum is your friend, till it's not.

Well I can't actually see the place from my keyboard here in Lee's Summit Missouri right now cause it's very dark outside (after 9 pm). I don't have anyone giving me any real intel at this point. This is just the best I could make up on such short notice! No none of this is real but just remember that you heard it here first!!!!!

I guess I'm just so wound up I'm gonna bust a seam or something! Hey Joe!!!! Hey man my boots need polishing!!!!!

Oh! Happy Birthday Joe!

Re: Eagle Ranch, Collins Missouri

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2014 9:02 am
by keko
grabbingears03 wrote:Can we get a trail report?
Mostly rocky with a chance of wet slippery ones.