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Shredder vs Slojo GoPro video

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 8:45 am
by Iamdanjohnson
I dont know which race this was or even who was wearing the GoPro but I found this video of them.

Re: Shredder vs Slojo GoPro video

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 9:53 am
by Btrigg88
Wow! I'm glad i missed that race. Not a fan of the deep sand. Those two are sandbagging for sure back in vet40!

Re: Shredder vs Slojo GoPro video

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 7:56 pm
by slomojo
Now you let my secret out Dan.It won't take any time before people figure out that I've been moonlighting as a stunt double for the Lego movie. :mrgreen:

Re: Shredder vs Slojo GoPro video

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 5:47 pm
by WireFryer
They really don't mark those Oklahoma courses very well, do they?

Whoop! :mrgreen:


Re: Shredder vs Slojo GoPro video

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 9:41 pm
by shredder
OK. OK. OK...
I am talking dirtbikes at the local watering hole with this dude. He is very likeable and the BSin starts getting pretty deep. I finally figure out when we walked into a well lit area that it's friggin Travis Patrana! Holy cow!!! He offers to show ol SloMoJo and I a thing or two at some hidden Milford areas we hadn't seen before after he teaches us some cool tricks in the styrofoam filled swimming pool. Travis had some new camera gear he was trying out and Joes red Honda really pops against the terrain so it worked out well. Trouble is I was promised that this was never to leak out...tight as a drum... Oh well that's that!

I am counting the day's to drag out the ol gear and gas can and line up next to Joe and the guys and do it all over again! It's so cool that at each race it's always who can ride the cleanest, make the least mistakes and not cough-up the foot ball wins the race. Some time when I push myself farther than I've ever done before and put the hammer down I will feel Joe's front tire polishing my boots or Good ol Joe will even clean my goggles with an elbow in a tight turn, heck at the last race of the year he even was helping me across the finish line by pushing my flatted tired bike (get it..tired bike?) with a shove front his front wheel, one time Joe cut me off and shot over hard right in front of me! It scared me a bit but thanks man, I was probably starting to head the wrong way I'm guessin. Joe is my kinda guy! :wink: