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Collins Mo Weather ?

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 12:25 pm
by ososlo
Hello all, I was looking at the weather forecast for the first race of the season and noticed it's supposed to snow that friday and again on race day. Is there any chance of the race being postponed or canceled? The only reason I ask is because I planned on coming the night prior and camping (since I live a little over 5 hours away), and would rather save the money and sit it out if the there is even a slight chance of the race being canceled.

Thanks in advance!

Re: Collins Mo Weather ?

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 1:20 pm
by swedishfishmx
Too early to tell. If conditions stay like this it will be pretty nice.

Re: Collins Mo Weather ?

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 1:26 pm
by Btrigg88
Not a chance! Dan would never cancel the first race of the season!!
But seriously, I would think cold and snow would work to our favor. Frozen ground won't get destroyed by the rigs. Keep your eyes on the forecast. It's changed 4 times already.

Re: Collins Mo Weather ?

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 3:44 pm
by Speedysdad
Forcasts like this stink. Its going to be too cold to attract a big crowd, but you hate to try and reschedule with the promoter and risk losing a race. The snow for Friday sounds like it would't be a show stopper, but the chance Sunday may make it interesting.

The good news is mud won't be an issue.

Does FM have a tire rule?

Re: Collins Mo Weather ?

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 4:07 pm
by slomojo
Speedysdad wrote:
Does FM have a tire rule?
Event Guidelines

#2 No studded tires will be allowed on the course at any time.

Is this what you meant ? :D

Re: Collins Mo Weather ?

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 5:30 pm
by E.A.
I rode the Hill Billy race this weekend, and even though there was no snow on the ground. The ground was still very frozen/sloppy. Not muddy at all, but you couldn't really put the power down in a lot of sections, and had to be VERY careful not to do a loopy-loop. Not the end of the world but far from what I would call "ideal" you never knew when you could come down a section and have little to no traction to slow you down.

I don't mind cold, but frozen ground NOT fun/safe IMHO.


Re: Collins Mo Weather ?

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 6:18 pm
by gentges
The Hillbilly race yesterday was a little slick in the AM race, but it was near perfect by the PM race.

I was looking forward to coming over and hitting a FMHSC race at Collins, but might re-consider if the weather man doesn't up the High of 30 for Sunday. I raced a Hillbilly race there a few years ago, when we got 3-4 inches just before the race started. Practice was kinda fun, but after we packed the snow down in practice, it was a 8 mile sheet of ice trail, and quite a challenge to get around. Something I'll never forget, making memories as Spud would say, LOL!

Re: Collins Mo Weather ?

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 6:48 pm
by ososlo
I am not opposed to racing in this type of weather, as I really don't care. I ride rain sleet or snow haha. I agree with EA though frozen ground is a buzz kill. I was just curious if there was any chance of canceling the event.

Re: Collins Mo Weather ?

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 8:48 pm
by swedishfishmx
You guys worry too much, enjoy the ride 8)

FYI Iowa raced over the weekend, I'm not sure if they allow screws or not, but there was a lot of snow on the ground in the pictures that I saw.

Pony up and let's ride, one of the funnest races I've ever done was in the Arkansas Mtns for a Black Jack Enduro. It snowed 14 inches during the night and throughout the entire race.

Re: Collins Mo Weather ?

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 9:35 pm
by Ed M
Rode at Walters Ranch yesterday, frozen ground not much of an issue it was like riding on hard-pack or blue groove to me. There were a couple of sections that melted just enough on top to make it quite slick/greasy but overall it was a great day to ride.

I would hate to see this race cancelled - I know the Hill Billy's cancelled their December Race at Collins and so far have not been able to reschedule.