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one gripe about milford

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 10:56 am
by DEA
place the transponder reader and the display further apart. I never saw what place I was in or how far back I was from the next place. that my one gripe, great race dan.

Re: one gripe about milford

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 12:55 pm
by Harvey Mushman
I didn't have any problem reading my position on the display when coming thru scoring, but there were 2 or 3 hill climbs that AFAIK had no alternate route and there were always guys crashed out blocking the line or a bunch of guys waiting at the bottom on crashed riders. For safetys sake , maybe at the base of the climbs create a 2nd route. Maybe there were other lines and I missed them. Still it was fun the get back on the bike after a long layoff.

Re: one gripe about milford

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 4:16 pm
by Iamdanjohnson

Some transponders read better than others so that greatly changes the view time. That was my standard 22 feet apart. We may try putting your transponder in a different location. I will try lengthening the distance some and see if that helps also.


I think there was an alternate line on almost every hill climb as that is a pet peave of mine also. Email me at and tell me the location. I want to make sure the tracks are the best they can be. I do know that there were some just grade changes that I didnt route a second choice as I didnt think they would be an issue. Those are the ones that become one.

Re: one gripe about milford

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 5:39 pm
by E.A.
Harvey Mushman wrote:I didn't have any problem reading my position on the display when coming thru scoring, but there were 2 or 3 hill climbs that AFAIK had no alternate route and there were always guys crashed out blocking the line or a bunch of guys waiting at the bottom on crashed riders. For safetys sake , maybe at the base of the climbs create a 2nd route. Maybe there were other lines and I missed them. Still it was fun the get back on the bike after a long layoff.
I think there was almost 1 or two alternatives at every hill, except one.
I only know this, because almost every time I came to one there was some sort of "situation" on top of one of them, so I never ran the same lap twice. Sadly a few times I did the #1 no-no rule, of never fallow someone that you think might not make it up. (And got owned twice)

The only section I remember not really having a go around, was a very tight left turn, up hill (about 8feet) with some roots on it. If you were at a dead stop at the bottom, you were hosed.

But I honestly think that course was AWESOME! I never did the spring race last year (only the fall) but I really liked the flow of the course going this direction, really really was a fast pace, and thats coming from a guy that HATES rocks more then anything. It was awesome how much change in texture there was.... Sand (Check), Loose Rocks (Check), Slooping Turns(Check), Fast Whoops(Double Check), Few jumps here and there(Check), and killer downhills that you could power down(Check) Honestly, that course was AWESOME!

Re: one gripe about milford

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 7:41 pm
by shredder
It's true. I saw 3 guys have problems with reads all day. I remember 1027 in particular. Even when he was done for the day he sat there waiting for a long time with no one else around. Finally John got disgusted he just pulled away and just as he got out of sight his #2 - second place shows up. Most of the time reads were instant as Steve and I were jotting down numbers some of the clusters were just coming in to close together so Steve and I would look up at the screen and boom!@ there they were - almost instant. Some of you guys might let me have a look see and make sure your tag is mounted on your visor and not your helmet. Oh yeah... and that new guy ahhhhh, oh, yes Perry Kegan - I want to do a re - mount on your tag as well.

Re: one gripe about milford

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 8:18 pm
by Btrigg88
Like EA said, the left hand turn with the little root ledge hill was the only issue I encountered. The first lap there was quite a back up there with 800,900 and 1100 hanging out or a few minutes. I never had another problem there for the rest of the race. There were plenty of options on the really big hills. A very fun race. Glad it was cool weather.

Re: one gripe about milford

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 9:02 pm
by Iamdanjohnson
Oh, that spot! Now I remember. Oops!

Re: one gripe about milford

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 3:50 pm
by ktm1991
If there's not an alternate line make your own they are called bark busters for a reason!

Re: one gripe about milford

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 4:26 pm
by WireFryer
ktm1991 wrote:If there's not an alternate line make your own they are called bark busters for a reason!
Yes, the twenty-foot rule applies, but it's always a gamble on a hidden uphill..... ever had to dig 50 or so wild rose thorns out of your neck Sunday nite? :roll:



Re: one gripe about milford

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 4:30 pm
by DEA
I will try remounting the transponder a different way. for the next one.