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MORE Season Opener - Panther Creek

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2014 9:31 pm
by ProudSis
If you are on the fence about attending this event, it's time to get off that fence!
Only 1 inch of rain all week at Panther Creek & the tracks are in great shape!
No problem with parking either...load up & head this way!

Re: MORE Season Opener - Panther Creek

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2014 11:47 pm
by swedishfishmx
Anyone who didn't go missed out!

Re: MORE Season Opener - Panther Creek

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2014 6:32 pm
by Laurentheracer
Thanks for a great race ProudSis! I was super excited to race in a ladies' class and the level of competition exceeded my expectation! These girls were aggressive but SUPER friendly! I am so glad I took the chance to race with you all! I am definitely coming back. I loved the split format although I was bummed we came too late and missed the practice lap. I KNOW that if I had been able to take a practice lap I wouldn't have made poor line choices. I finished second and had the HOLESHOT! What?! Lauren had the holeshot? Doesn't she usually end up dead-last off the start? Yep, thanks for the live-engine start that gave me the opportunity to lead the class!

So much fun! I totally recommend going! Also, Jeremy finished 4th in his class and was 11th overall! Nice work Mr. Stretz!