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Brake issues. Boiling the fluid?

Posted: Mon May 05, 2014 4:47 pm
by blister
Requesting knowledge and experience on this issue. I raced a KTM for the first time at Big Springs. I experienced issues with both front and rear brakes. Rear more so than the front. Seemed they would fade in and out of how well they were working. The rear seemed like it wasn't there at all occasionally. Then they would be working fine again. I did get some advice from the Brian Trigg (thank you very much) following the race suggesting I was boiling the brake fluid. Brian, I can't remember what you told me regarding that mod that may help?

Just looking for other experiences and advice. Is it a KTM thing as I never experienced this on the old XR? Maybe an issue with my riding style, like too much braking?
Thanks and happy to be that guy asking all the dumb questions,

Re: Brake issues. Boiling the fluid?

Posted: Mon May 05, 2014 5:43 pm
by Btrigg88
Hey chad,
I hope the ribs are feeling better today. I just mentioned the following things:
1. Fluid flush if you haven't already done that.
2. Make sure your pedal is adjusted and you are not draging it on accident. Some guys like to have it just above level with the peg and come on when it comes down level or just past.
3. Jeff Slavens has a a few mods that might cool you down.

I'm sure others will have some tips and tricks. I'm no expert on the topic.

Re: Brake issues. Boiling the fluid?

Posted: Mon May 05, 2014 6:13 pm
by Speedysdad
Flush the fluid. Use DOT 4 or 5.1. I recommend 5.1 Motul. We bleed in new fluid after two races or whenever the color looks dirty. Use carbon pads and not semi metallic pads. You will change them more often, but they transfer less heat.

Re: Brake issues. Boiling the fluid?

Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 7:21 am
by quik406
Flush helped mine, but in the end, I learned to quit riding them so much. It was very hard for me to do though.
Carbon X pads will fix it, even if you ride the piss out of them, but downfall is, that pad doesn't last very long.

Re: Brake issues. Boiling the fluid?

Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 5:15 pm
by swedishfishmx
Easy fix.

Fresh fluid, fresh pads, and stay off the brakes.

Heard EBC Red pads are the hot ticket too. Just don't run them when it's wet.

Re: Brake issues. Boiling the fluid?

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 6:25 am
by Gibber
Caliper and resevoir radiators will help as well. Besides cooling the fluid you get more fluid capacity.

Adjust your break lever lower so you dont ride it and go to DOT 5.1. Higher boil point. That should do it. If not you can always slow down! Yeah, Right!!!

Cool to meet you Chad and hope you are back to 100% by Ballard. Your bike looks great. Looks like you got a deal. And dont worry, I have the same thoughts about "What am I doing?" all the time. Then I cant wait for the next one!!!

See ya!

Re: Brake issues. Boiling the fluid?

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 9:56 pm
by blister
Hey, I just wanted to say thanks to you all for responding to my question. The experience and knowledge are valuable to me. I appreciate it greatly. Got some work to do before Ballard, though. Just finding the time. Work sure seems to get in the way sometimes ya know.

Side note: I decided to get my chest/ribs checked out. I do work in an office full of orthopaedic surgeons and x-ray machines, so why not? Actually, I wasn't going to but my wife knows the nurses there so she kind of made me. One phone call from her and before I knew what was happening yesterday, nurse Marybeth had me holding a lead cover in front of the family jewels and radiation was flying through my chest. Dr. Jones took a quick look and gave the all clear. No fractures, no lung damage and a non-injured heart was actually seen in there too. Man, I'm such a wuss. As bad as this hurts, I was thinking at least 10 broken ribs, a hemothorax, severed aorta, or something...c'mon, how disappointing. Anyway, good to go as pain allows. I'm planning to make it to Ballard.

Steve "Gibber" great to meet you as well, and the several other of you for that matter. Sorry I stole your starting position on the line there. Guess I blew through another one of my "rookie mistake passes" on that one. :? I looked down and saw that block and thought "whoa, how nice someone left this great looking block here for me to use. I'm pretty short and someone is really going overboard to Vet40 guys are so nice!" :lol: Then I had to straddle my front fender anyway.

Thanks again,