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Ballard postponed

Posted: Mon May 26, 2014 5:49 am
by Iamdanjohnson
More later

Re: Ballard postponed to June 8th

Posted: Mon May 26, 2014 8:56 am
by AStevens
Thanks Dan. Yesterday was a good day, even with a crying peewee rider. =0) I hope that you guys and the rest of the crew are able to make it home and enjoy a day off.

Re: Ballard postponed to June 8th

Posted: Mon May 26, 2014 9:37 am
by Btrigg88
Sorry to hear that Dan. I know you were wanting to get this back to back DONE! You put on a good show yesterday. Thanks to all who helped behind the scenes to prep this track.

Re: Ballard postponed to June 8th

Posted: Mon May 26, 2014 12:13 pm
by canamfan
Great race, It's tough cutting new trails through that heavy brush. We appreciate all you and your crews hard work.

Re: Ballard postponed to June 8th

Posted: Mon May 26, 2014 5:38 pm
by advbeach
Thanks Dan and the crew for another great race! I really liked the track, looking forward to Ballard #2.

Re: Ballard postponed to June 8th

Posted: Mon May 26, 2014 9:10 pm
by shredder
Dan was out late sunday evening switching stuff around and tweaking some spots to improve flow and help rid of some trouble spots. I was waiting around Dans rig but the darkness fell and he was still out in the woods somewhere, working.

It rained pretty heavy at times during the night. About 5:00 AM I got out, fired up The ATV and flipped on the high beams to light the way and went out in the woods and it went from bad to worse. I was on the way out of the woods and Danno was...of course making his rounds as well and we met up with our headlights piercing the pitch blackness and we stop head on. "What cha think?" he asked. It looks like it's going from bad to worse Dan. As Dan was mulling over all the factors outloud we continued our survey on foot with a flashlight in several more key areas trying not to slip and fall down again in that mud, and used up all the time we had before the 6:00 deadline to make a good decision. I had to duck under a large limb that had fallen across the track and with out his flashlight to point it out I woulda had a shiner for sure.

I'm sure we could have came in and ran the best mud fest of the decade and we would all be talking about this for years to come but Dan refused to tear up the land, and getting the trucks and rigs out of the lower parking area probably would have been such an ordeal it would have made the local news! The kids and spectators would have been in misery.

OK...OK...OK... I'll come clean...The fact is I voted to cancel because it was the right thing to do.....BUT on the inside I was a happy happy camper!!! Yep!!! Because all day Saturday I was wondering how I would measure up to the new track an thus far all I had seen of it really looked very appealing to say the least and I knew that when I came back I was going to be on the OTHER side of the yellow tape tracking down Mr Joray myself!
HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D

So Dan and I are out in the pre-dawn darkness I said (with the most sincere, solomon and wisest voice I could muster I said "we gotta cancel Dan, this is going to be a mess". Dan must have seen that huge smile on my face the size of texas because he let's me say my piece, we walk out and mount up on our quads, (I'm still smiling so big that I'm beginning to wonder if the smile is going to be permanent) I just know that I'm hiding all the excitement and enthusiasm of getting to run this place and feeling very full of myself and Dan says "better get back up the hill and wash off". I figure he wants me to wash the frigging smile of my face but I ask "why?" Well that was a huge tall poison ivy patch you've been standing in and walking thru and if you get up there and wash it off quickly your probably going to be OK.

Again...with the wisest way possible, I repeat the words of Homer Simpson...DOOOH!

I know you put in way more than a hard days work Mr Johnson to get the place right and ready to go, and that alone is reason enough to just make you pop your top. No one wanted to run that race more than you but you pulled the plug anyway without any disgust, whining, not even a whimper.

Thank you for doing the right thing. :wink: