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PRO TIP: Don't do this, days before best race of the year!

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 4:56 pm
by E.A.
Overshoot a big MX jump, and land to flat....

But not realize you broke the right front fork till the next jump.....

And do this.....

You can see the oil on the top of the right front fork, I don't know whats wrong with it yet, just know that it basically has no ability to slow its compression down.
Likely going to drop the forks off at Letko, and have Lee take a look at whats going on. I usually enjoy working on my own stuff, but this style fork is new to me.

Going to get X-rays tomorrow, looks like I might have bent or pulled some of the screws out of my previous collar bone repair. :( We will see what the Dr. says.

So for the "C" class, that means MX adventures have taken out Hunter #641 with his dislocated hip, and now possibly myself.... Dang!

Re: PRO TIP: Don't do this, days before best race of the yea

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 11:44 pm
by swedishfishmx

That sucks. Let us know what the damage was.

Re: PRO TIP: Don't do this, days before best race of the yea

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 6:56 pm
by E.A.
To my body:
Seperated shoulder
Cracked rib
Displaced (whatever they call a shoulder blade)

Screws and plate held. Lot of ligament and nerve damage. She says that it may never be the same again. Start physical therapy next week.

Sad thing, is that I rode the rest of the day, after this happened. Just thought I was being a wuss with the pain.

I wanna do Iowa just by like taping the crap out of my shoulder or something.

Damage to bike:
Bar bolts and risers fixed
Got everything start again
Haven't opened up forks yet.