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aa mess up

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 10:21 am
by jerad741
ok I was trying as hard as I could to not say anything but broke loose sorry just have to get it out . my son darin sornson was the one in the aa mess ,and was told he was cheating . it is hard to take that word to a 16 year old who just loves to ride and it is also hard to believe he cheated when dan told some to check the last two laps and he for sure went the right way and his lap time got faster . their was one guy and yes his number was 113 that was mad at him for honking the beta horn , buy the way we had no idea it was against the rules in gncc were just not that he flipped my son off then after the race pulled up to him and chewed his but about the horn ,takes a big kid to just sit their and take that .we have had people on this same web site write that they liked the horn but darin is going to take it off the bike and go back to yelling or what ever it takes, darin said the only place he cut on the track was about 20 foot to get by 113 because he was blocking like crazy. this is the same kid that had a great race with macon the week before in Thurman and ask macon if he raced a clean race ,this is also the same kid that took all him winnings from Thurman and went to the land owner and gave it all to him and said thanks for giving use a great place to ride, so that right their tell you the money means nothing to him for god sakes he is 16 and just loves the sport we as parent flip all the bills for the kids.i have three kids racing two in aa and a girl in the c class it is a family sport to us and we are also the Thurman promoters we just love the sport mostly because everybody in racing is such great people in 30 years of racing me and now my kids have never had anything like this . hope this clears things up of who we are and what we are here for . great race jadan and thanks for the support to darin . thanks for the great race at Thurman macon sorry you have to come up here and race the local kids that know the track so good ,it had to be fun going back and forth like that , great job on the season points . thanks jerad sorry about the rant over now

Re: aa mess up

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 6:45 pm
by Btrigg88
Thanks for the update. I don't have a dog in this fight. Your son is an athlete and is crazy fast. I'm sure he's used to receiving some criticism on the bike and on the wrestling mat. There is always a certain level of "attitude" required when you are racing at the level they are at. You see that in all the top sports. I'm sure cooler heads will prevail. I'm just glad I wasn't the only one who had the gate drop in their front tire. I for one liked the horn during the non-split race. But, the horn was not coming from someone in my own row-I was being lapped :( I hope it all gets worked out. After all, we are all out to enjoy the same sport.