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Two day races??

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 2:52 pm
by Iamdanjohnson
Working on the 2015 schedule and trying to figure out if that two day thing should finally be scrapped. On paper it is a great idea. One gas money to get to two points races. Camping and hanging our with friends. Lots of time on the bike. Often two different courses in two days.

But. they have always been poorly attended. Usually attendance for both days is close to equal a one day race with a good turnout. It may be due to the fact that they are held on a holiday weekend but the first one or two were just Saturday Sunday events. From the promoter side it is so VERY much easier to get the course done and even if it is flipped, it is still only cutting in one time for two races.

What are your thoughts on this?

On a related note, I always loved the team races we used to have. Way back when we had two or more a year and always had at least one for many years. The insurance cost and work to set them up is equal to a race so it is not worth it to run one anymore as they really never had any big numbers. I have often wondered if it would work to have a two day race weekend but only one was a points race. Perry did this and had a moderate turnout. The issue is that in my mind the points race must run first because you want your best effort to go toward that. So if it is a non holiday weekend, the points race ends up on Saturday. We tried that a few times and the turnout is always lower on Saturday.

Perhaps I could try to run my Ballard event points race on Sunday and then run a team race on Monday. I need to provide a decent return for the landowner so I worry just how well a team race would be attended on a Monday. Many of you haven't even run a team race so you don't know just how fun it is. You really get to see more of your race buddies than you usually do as you have your off time to visit.

Let me know your thoughts on this as well.

Re: Two day races??

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 7:55 pm
by Pumpkinpatch
I'll team with you Dan the Man. I'll even help set up that deal.
Only if we can have a special class for "Over 45 (or 50 :shock: ) former go fasters".
A super vet!

I'm down with that and know a few other "experienced" guys who'd team up to whup me.

Re: Two day races??

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 8:07 pm
by yellow jacket
I really enjoyed the two day event. We live in central Kansas and we log a lot of miles to get to a single race. Having a two race weekend was great. I think you may have over looked the heat factor. I actually overheated on day one and quit. I will support more two day races.
Tom Brunholtz

Re: Two day races??

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 9:51 pm
by KTM_Hernandez
How exactly does a team race work? I remember seeing it on the schedule a few years back but I missed that one.

Re: Two day races??

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 10:17 pm
by shredder
I really enjoy two day events and I would like to do a team race. I do also agree that at least do a 45 and over, but a 50 and over class would be a classic. I understand that you can't have too many classes when the turnout may be low so I'll take what I can get!

If you build it...I will come. :wink:

Re: Two day races??

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 6:09 am
by jgordo
The two day race this year was really nice. I would vote to have them either in the spring or fall when its cooler. Holiday weekends other than the 4th are hard to attend due to family obligations. Team races are fun and the guys at Melvern said they really want one!

Re: Two day races??

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 3:17 pm
by millwright
I personally like the two day race with the flipped course on the second day, give it another chance, but maybe shy away from the holiday weekends as someone else also mentioned. If I remember correctly this would be the third attempt (or year) that we have tried this format. 3rd times a charm, or so they say. Team races are a blast too, I like the idea of working one into the schedule.

Re: Two day races??

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 9:12 am
by ktm1991
I like the idea behind the two day race seems like it could save some money, but if your not camping all that it means is two fuel costs in one weekend which can get very expensive! A lot of us work 6 days a week so it's hard to get away for the whole weekend to just race. I think to points races in one weekend should come to an end but would be nice to get a team race thrown in for a double header I have always had a lot of fun at those!