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FMHSC 2014 Awards Banquet Saturday Jan. 17

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 2:15 pm
by PK
I hope everyone is looking forward to this years banquet!!!

We are in the process of gathering and sorting donations from all of our 2014 sponsors!!!

Re: FMHSC 2014 Awards Banquet Saturday Jan. 17

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 11:39 pm
by PK

Due to a low interest in the awards banquet this year it may be re-scheduled.

Re: FMHSC 2014 Awards Banquet Saturday Jan. 17

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 12:25 am
by shredder
OK! OK already! It just sucks when you are off your bike sitting on your butt on the side of the track and as the racers fly by they don't even see you!!!
C'on boyz and girls we are talking prizes, give aways, freebies, bidding on cool stuff with our funny money that's only good at the banquet, good eats and even better deserts!!!!

It doesn't get any better than that!


Re: FMHSC 2014 Awards Banquet Saturday Jan. 17

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 7:07 pm
by PK

FMHSC is proud to announce that Bullet Proof Designs will be a series sponsor for 2015 along with FULMER helmets!!! Each class winner will be receiving a new Fulmer MX lid at the banquet!!!


Re: FMHSC 2014 Awards Banquet Saturday Jan. 17

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 11:00 pm
by shredder

Re: FMHSC 2014 Awards Banquet Saturday Jan. 17

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 9:17 am
by Pumpkinpatch
PK wrote:FYI:
FMHSC is proud to announce that Bullet Proof Designs will be a series sponsor for 2015 along with FULMER helmets!!! Each class winner will be receiving a new Fulmer MX lid at the banquet!!!
Most awesome!

Re: FMHSC 2014 Awards Banquet Saturday Jan. 17

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 4:31 pm
by WireFryer
Nice! Shoulda' tried harder, Shredder... cuz' you're the first person that comes to mind when wondering who would need a new lid every year :mrgreen:


Re: FMHSC 2014 Awards Banquet Saturday Jan. 17

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 4:46 pm
by jgordo
That's cool to hear of new sponsors!! Looks like the AA class is gonna have a few more entries this year also!! Should make for some great shows for us!

Re: FMHSC 2014 Awards Banquet Saturday Jan. 17

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 9:40 pm
by shredder
WireFryer wrote:Nice! Shoulda' tried harder, Shredder... cuz' you're the first person that comes to mind when wondering who would need a new lid every year :mrgreen:

I resent that remark Mr Wirefryer! (Although it is good to have you back up and posting again - it just isn't the same here with out you man!)
Yes it's true that I do buy a new lid every year - shoot I actually had to buy 2 helmets last year, but the only reason I buy a new one is because they get all busted, chipped, grass burned, corn and weed slapped and rock beaten that I...I...well....well...

Well just go ahead and just suck the ALL the salt off of all my peanuts then!!! never mind...

After loading all the stuff up at Carbondale and not getting to complain about the pain at all, not at all on the way home...
After hitting the ER... AGAIN the same year...and having Stacey have to drive me home...
After getting my front teeth re-built and my bridge pinned to what root I had left...(my wife doesn't believe that the $3,200.00 bridge just "wears out")...
After finding out that my front fender is finally trashed, my rear fender is toast, my helmet visor is so bad it can't even be tapped on anymore...

Ya just gotta go and post the fact that I'm the first thing you think of when we get a new sponsor that sells cool lids. - Your not helping my situation with the wife here Timmy! Could someone cut me just a little slack here? :mrgreen:

Re: FMHSC 2014 Awards Banquet Saturday Jan. 17

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 9:50 pm
by shredder
I forgot!

I went and looked in the shed because I haven't been back there since Carbondale and my husky is still there! YAY!

Boy is my bike pissed off!!! It was trying to charge the door when I opened it to step inside. I had to chase it down and stroke the seat to get it to calm down, WHEW! There was a huge amount of foam and saliva dripping from it's gnashing teeth. I've never kept it that long in the shed, it usually goes in the garage where I can see it everyday. It looks 2 feet shorter with half the fenders gone. I feel sorry the race I line up with you guys. That ol Husky is going to be snarling extra hard cause it's wantin some payback!

Trouble is, it went down in practice for crying out loud! :lol: