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Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 10:43 am
by Iamdanjohnson
I meant to post this right after Milford.

Tyler Toman races against my son Grayson in the 400 class. An area on the far south west side has a perimeter trail that I didn't want used for part of it so I put up ribbon. The ribbon went down (likely ran through by someone who knew it would gain 3 seconds!) and allowed a rider to get on that fast trail and bypass a short section of tighter trail.

Tyler was behind Grayson and went straight (where the ribbon should have been) and Grayson followed what he knew was the intended trail. Tyler must have realized after he was already too far past the missed turn because Grayson said that when he exited the tighter trail onto the fast trail, Tyler was simply sitting there, where the trails intersected again, waiting for Grayson to go by and put things back in their proper order.

That my FMHSC family is integrity. If every single rider was that upstanding and outstanding, I would need a lot less ribbon to set up a course!

I simply didn't want this to go unnoticed or unspoken. I fully meant this post to be about Tyler but I should also give some props to Grayson for following the intended course. In Tyler's case, that down ribbon would have been unnoticed when following another rider but for all those other people approaching that area unobstructed, the down ribbon was obvious enough and right then it becomes a choice.

Sweep riders should have fixed this as soon as it was noticed but it apparently did not get fixed all day. That is another topic.

If anyone else has examples of rider integrity they would like to share, feel free.

Re: Integrity

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2015 12:15 am
by ktm1991
Remy some how cut about 4 minutes off found himself battling with Jadan up in the AA's pulled off and sat and waited til he filed back in line to where he was before.

Re: Integrity

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 6:08 pm
by swedishfishmx
ktm1991 wrote:Remy some how cut about 4 minutes off found himself battling with Jadan up in the AA's pulled off and sat and waited til he filed back in line to where he was before.
I believe he actually waited for most, if not all of the A Class to come around before reconnected with the trail.

Props on that one.

Re: Integrity

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 9:07 am
by keko
At around mile marker 7 on the last lap at Walters Ranch I was leading the 700 class. I was getting lapped by some of the other classes but couldn't tell who was who due to all the mud. Brett Kyle came up on me and I waved him by thinking hopefully just another rider lapping me. Brett slowed down behind me and gave me the go go go we're racing! Brett got the pass further down the trail and deserved the win. Congratulations Brett!

Re: Integrity

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 9:54 am
by jgordo
Its good to see Brett move into the 700 class this year!! He obviously is here to have fun and compete!!! You both ran a heck of a race!!