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Percentiles and class changes

Posted: Mon May 04, 2015 8:29 am
by Iamdanjohnson
So far this year each race has had variables that throw off the percentiles quite a bit. Milford, Carbondale and Big Springs kind of has them higher than they should be and Walters had them lower than they should be. The percentiles are meant to be used as a guideline and likely best not to make them the gospel. With that said, I can see classes are not well grouped like I would like to see. That can happen just because there may be a larger group of riders that are a certain speed but it can also happen if we need to move up or down a class.

The percentiles tell a part of the story but the rider knows best. I plan to look things over and see what changes need to be made. Look at your various rides and simply look for that one lap that you know was your real speed. Take that lap and divide it into the leaders average lap and you can find your potential speed. 15 minute lap divided by 20 minute lap equals .75 percentile.

I moved several up from various classes because I thought their speed was throwing off the balance of that class. In some cases that is not working out. I think I would rather see some with too high of a percentile in a certain class and have better racing and better class sizes but I don't want any runaway winners either. I intend to follow the very rules I created but the point of all of it was equally matched classes that any rider could potentially win and above all, to have fun on race day.

Contact me if you think you need to move up or down and lets get things as they should be. Points will carry up or down and be based on the finish you would have gotten if you had been in that class on that race day. 1st doesn't necessarily stay 1st when you move up.

There are some who are running at the back of their class and bottlenecks and issues with other classes trying to get by are the result. Running up a class can make you faster but not always. Running top five in a lower class can get you better racing, more fun, and improved skills also. Don't let pride or ego keep you from moving down.

Email would be best

Re: Percentiles and class changes

Posted: Tue May 05, 2015 3:36 pm
by lumbo01
your post seemed like a great Segway to my question. I'm a fairly new rider and looking to get into the scramble scene. What does a new rider need to do to sign up or register for a event/ride?

Re: Percentiles and class changes

Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 9:01 am
by Spooner