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Milford lake conditions? SCORVA lady help!

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 10:19 pm
by VetSki
Is Milford still flooded? I was hoping to ride there one day this week.

Re: Milford lake conditions? SCORVA lady help!

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2015 9:52 am
by vetteracer77
Went riding there on Sunday (8-16-15). Only rode on the side we race. No flooding. The lake is up so some of the usual race course that runs by the shore is under water, but not much. Actually really dusty and overgrown. Watch out for poison ivy!

Re: Milford lake conditions? SCORVA lady help!

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2015 6:46 pm
I have not been out there in a couple months but I also have heard that it's overgrown which does not surprise me with as much rain as we've received this year.
The corp has released enough water that the lake level is down from what it was...which was totally flooded on the north end at one time.
There may still be a small lake or pond of water back in there however.
.....and as usual, there's plenty of poison ivy....nothing new there!

Re: Milford lake conditions? SCORVA lady help!

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 5:00 pm
by WireFryer
Keith, 5 of us Sedgewick County racers hit the place on the 23rd after a storm blew thru overnite.

The East side was rideable out of the gate, and the West side tacked up by late afternoon.

I can say that the place is as overgrown as I've ever seen it, with plenty of blown down trees tossed in for cheap entertainment.... I sure wish those nice racer people would put on a race in the Fall and trim it all up :wink: .
