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Merwin race news!! UPDATED 9/10

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 9:28 am
by Iamdanjohnson
Trying something new for this one. We will keep the split format and run two 45 minute races so there will be a total of four 45 minute races that day. I wanted to get something posted but I don't have the actual race times all figured out yet so check back. After you race the two races, your scores will be combined for your finish position for the day. The scoring is just like motocross with the second race having more weight for a possible tie breaker. Rows 1 to 5 will race in the first and third races. Rows 6 to 12 will race in the second and fourth races. Only one trophy presentation after all four races have finished.

Many have asked for our series to give this a try so we are going to do it. The course will likely be the faster flowing woods areas, grass track, and part of the motocross track. This property recently sold and the motocross track has been redone and tamed down some so it will be something woods bikes will still do fine on. The grass track portion will be completely different from the area used in the past and if time allows, it will also be tilled. The course length will likely be 5 miles or less to make it quicker to clear the track and start the next race.

One or both starts will be using the motocross live engine gate.

Tell all your buddies who constantly say they cant race for two hours.

Re: Merwin race news!!

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 12:37 pm
by Iamdanjohnson
I got all excited and posted this and then started thinking about the infinite details. The scoring system can do this no problem at all. The issue that I may have turns out to be season points, percentiles, and class moves. So take this new idea posted above to chew on for a while and I will get back to all of you with a final decision. It is likely not going to be possible to mix in a GP style event into the hare scramble season because they are scored very different. One glaring problem would be the very fact that it is not possible to do one overall for four separate races. That one overall is where top 20 season points are awarded and where the percentiles calculate from. The overall is also where all move ups/downs find there proper position in the new class. I may have gotten too excited about this idea because I really want to do this. My head hurts!

I didn't want to pull the post down and I have already told this idea to a great deal of people so this post is basically just an update about the idea.

Re: Merwin race news!!

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2015 2:54 pm
by motoracr199
Sounds fun, lets do it!

Re: Merwin race news!! UPDATED 9/10

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 9:39 am
by Iamdanjohnson
Here is an update. That season points stuff was causing me grief because GP scoring is not set up to interact with Hare Scramble scoring on a season basis. SO... each moto is going to count as your season points. On the season you we will now have Merwin 1 and Merwin 2. This was the only viable solution for us to run a GP race. On race day the two motos will be combined like motocross scoring to get an overall finish position for your class and plaques will be given for that finish. One set of awards but two season points and only one gas money to get there and only 45 minutes to establish your results. How cool is that! One small change to the usual routine will be the entry fee is going to be $5 more for each class to cover the rider fees we pay into the series for year end awards and such.

Remember to tell all your friends who say they cant race two hours. I would really like to draw in some new people and let them see how fun our racing and people are.

I will post the actual race day schedule early next week. There will be 4 total motos lasting 45 minutes each which will likely work out to a total riding time of 45 minutes to one hour depending on when you get out on that last lap. Likely 5 miles or less which should work out to about 3 to 4 laps for each race depending on your speed.

Somebody remind me to bring this up at the Chanute rider's meeting!

Re: Merwin race news!! UPDATED 9/10

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 12:46 pm
by orangecrush
It all sounds good for those guys that can't ride for two hours. I however ride better the last hour of a race. I guess if first moto could be the warm up race. Game on second race. Well lets try something new. It could be fun.

Re: Merwin race news!! UPDATED 9/10

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 6:29 pm
by meyamo
Sounds very cool!!!! I on my FB

Re: Merwin race news!! UPDATED 9/10

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 12:13 pm
by AStevens
Good goin' Dan. Should be fun to watch.

Re: Merwin race news!! UPDATED 9/10

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 7:59 pm
by Gibber
Dan, will there be open ride / practice Saturday afternoon? Gonna be a drag race. I want all the practice I can get!!! 8)