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Fake Shredder report on Chanute

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 7:50 pm
by yellow jacket
Since the real Shredder was not at the best hare scramble race this year, I will do my best to describe it. What can you say about racing in 70 degree weather? What can you say about the best moisture of any race this year? What can you say about no dust, great flowing track and fantastic obstacles. You say THANK YOU. The only bad thing on this track were those two trees that moved right into my path while I was clicking along in 4th gear. New bars are on order. To show you how beautiful the weekend was, my bike started on the first kick, a rare case indeed. JP and I came up on Saturday to practice and to cook out. I do not know which is more fun, riding or eating, a tossup at my age. Got to see a lot of guys and spend time getting to know them, always informative and fun. Getting back to race day, the racers were competitive and thoughtful. They let you by after a little pestering. The best thing at this race was there were no Husky parts littering the course.
I did my best Shredder,
Tom Brunholtz

Re: Fake Shredder report on Chanute

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 8:18 pm
by J.P.
I second the motion Tom, this race had some of the best dirt and moisture so far this year. 70 degree temps at Chanute on race day, who could ask for anything better?
Coupled with cool evening temps that was ideal for sleeping, I actually had to turn the heater on. :P

Cooking out the night before a race is always nice, sitting around sharing stories, wondering how many will show up on the the starting line the next day.

I must say, it was nice not having to look out for Husky plastic scattered all over the trails, I spent enough time watching out for rocks, roots and tree stumps.
Great race, great weather, good people.
Sounds like we have some awesome racing left this year, looking forward to seeing everyone out there.

Re: Fake Shredder report on Chanute

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 7:36 am
by Weissbeck
Went to a football game Friday night (9-11) the kids were all dressed in Red, White and Blue. Today at the races my thoughts are of Freedom, Blessings and Thankfulness.

Freedom to: Own a motorcycle, Choose to spend the day riding, Put gas in my truck, Buy Ice.

Blessings range from: Healthy enough to ride, My Family that goes to the races with me, Not getting hurt in that rocky section at the start.

Thankful for: The Landowners who let me ride on their beautiful property. The people that donate so much of their time in putting the race together. The transition between the wooded areas, so that I could feel like a real racer. The rider, who ran up a hill, threw a bike that was blocking the trail to the side so we could get through.

Troy Weissbeck (1014)

Re: Fake Shredder report on Chanute

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 1:05 pm
by gcat7
I have to agree with Tom. So far Chanute has been the most fun race to date. I left with a smile on my face no doubt -it was simply a great track, great conditions and a great set up altogether. Can't thank the land owner & FMHSC Crew enough for putting forth so much effort into the prep, it certainly showed! The entire event was complete fun.


Re: Fake Shredder report on Chanute

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 8:43 pm
by shredder
Without all the white Husky plastic and parts it's a wonder that you guys even finished a single lap! :lol:

Thanks for the post's guys, wish I coulda been there. I got a whole garage full of whoop ass building up and if I don't get out to the races soon and unload some of this.....well...
it aint gonna be pretty.
Just sayin