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Merwin DNF's

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2015 12:48 pm
by orangecrush
I was really surprised that there was so many DNF's. I guess two 45 minute races was too much for some. The regular 2 hour format has less DNF's. Forward Motion tries to make this course fast and fun. I thought it was well tamed down. Maybe it was cause off the rocks, which is what most riders complain about. The dust could of been worse but it wasn't that bad.
The mx track was fun since I don't race mx. Never really like jumping but, I did let it all hang out. The big tires did get me on second moto. Bike stalled on top, my feet came off the pegs and I was laying on my handle bars. I fell to the side. Ended up at bottom of the tires. I scrambled back up the tires. Started my bike and went on.
It was s great day of racing and thank-you for giving me soar muscles.

Re: Merwin DNF's

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2015 3:54 pm
by Khowat
The course was fun, expected a bigger turnout but was content with the class count. Rock were sharp, jumps were big, my only complaint was with lap traffic. Had a short discussion with a fellow racer at the start of 2nd moto about lappers and how to handle the passing. Many riders want to defend position despite class, witch in a way is racing. Not to mad at that, just want to stress holding your line of travel. I spent 3+ hours in the hospital last night because (no fault to blame) of rider hearing me coming and moving over at last sec rather them hold his line of travel. I'm ok he's ok. May be sweeping extra race. Any thoughts or comments on this subject, is open thx

Re: Merwin DNF's

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2015 4:42 pm
by jgordo
Thanks to the 2 race format I snuck out to race a mere 4 months before the doctor told me to. I promised the wife if my knee started hurting I would pull off...well it did and after the dust on the grass section it was a pretty easy decision to make. Sometimes I have to remind myself I do this for fun and there are times it's just safer to park it!

Re: Merwin DNF's

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2015 8:14 pm
by orangecrush
Khowat, sorry that happened to you. Not all lappers know what to do. I have had similar problems on the KATY TRAIL while cycling.
I usually just pull to one side and point to otherside I want them to pass me on. On the other hand you were riding to close to them or they didn't quite understand you. That is the risk we all face when passing.

Re: Merwin DNF's

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2015 11:59 pm
by quik406
What rocks? I swear those climbs had rocks in past years.

Re: Merwin DNF's

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 4:50 am
by Gibber
Well, it's been a while since I did a race report. So here I go.

Sunday was a hoot. Didn't get there till late Saturday so I didn't get to practice until Sunday AM. I'm sure I would have done better if I had practiced more because by the last couple of laps on the 2nd moto I was feeling pretty comfortable on the MX section. I pretty much rolled most all of the jumps but for the most part really only got passed on the open sections of the MX track. I did catch a little air and was feeling a bit comfortable. I plan to go back with 292 Everhart when they open up and work on it a little more. No reason a Vet 40 rider can't learn to fly a little. 8)

The grass sections were a little spooky with the dust and the powdery dirt making it a little tough to whoa up for the turns. Although some sections you could really rail it and there weren't a whole lot of hazards you had to worry about if you misjudged your speed and slightly blew a turn. Not that I actually did that, I'm just sayin'! :lol:

The woods were awesome. The whole course was marked perfect and if you payed attention to the markers it was clear when you could be on the gas and when you needed to back off. I really like that 'cause I try to pay close attention to the markers. I never did come off my bike and on my 2nd moto I had a heck of a race with #1078. After going in to the woods behind 1010 I watched 1078, 1043 and the 2 Vet 40 (One Race) ringers pull ahead. About a mile or so in I was able to make a pass and catch back up to 1078. Unfortunately he ran as clean a race as I did so catching him was one thing. Passing him was another. For 3 laps I would see Joseph King's smiling face leaving the scoring loop as I was entering. Good race Joe. It was fun.

If I had to post a gripe, which I don't like to do, the only one would be the guys that are good at MX but suck in the woods. Personally, I suck at MX so I would let guys go with no fight but I could crawl up the same guys tailpipe and have to fight him for position while I watched the rest of my class walk away. Worse thing is these battles for position were with riders who had nothing to gain in points by beating me and were not even close to trophy contenders. And if anybody I passed in the woods wishes to contend this I have 1080 HD helmet cam video to prove it. And yes, you can see your #. Some of these guys didn't ride as fast at the race as me and my buddies do for fun. Even NASCAR requires a minimum speed!!!??? :shock: :?

Long and the short of it I had fun which is why I'm out there. I realize Dan and Midwest Extreme are out there to draw in participants. But there are those of us that are racing for points and it would be nice if the one race Willey's who just come out 'cause it's a cool race would keep that in mind. If someone is obviously faster, PLEASE, let them go!

Last but not least. Good passing by the few 800's that passed me. I think 840, 841 and maybe 820. Forgive me if I have you # wrong. But you guys did great. I tried not to hold you up and I knew the race was fast but there just weren't a lot of places to pass and I had a race of my own. Thanks for being patient and most of all making quick clean passes. The couple of 700's and JR's I passed thanks for letting me go. I hope my passes were clean and quick as well. Now if I can just get thru to my slower classmates! :o Oh Well! Wishful thinking! :roll: :lol:

Thanks Dan and Midwest Extreme. See everyone at Virgil City this weekend. Please don't forget this one. It is for charity and the course is really awesome. I know, I worked my ass off on it along with Sexton, Shredder, Stickney, Everhart and others. Unless they shorten it there will be 7.5 miles of a little bit of everything, a poker run on Saturday and good food and fun Saturday night. Be sure to make plans for the weekend!


Re: Merwin DNF's

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 10:43 am
by quik406
Slow riders not letting people around in the woods was a pain! Look and my 2nd and 3rd lap times on 2nd moto! :shock: I have never been so mad in a race. I almost killed myself many times trying to find "unconditional" ways around. lol

Re: Merwin DNF's

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 1:22 pm
by sexton88
I agree, the slow riders were especially a pain. I have never had more trouble getting around people or people not getting over. If someone is following you that is faster it is better for both people if you let them by. It is never expected to get over right away but in a very timely fashion when it is safe to do so.

Re: Merwin DNF's

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 5:31 pm
by WireFryer
I don't do race reports anymore due to popular demand... however, I can't help but note the 800lb gorilla in the room, and offer some observations of the days festivities.

When 80% of each row on the starting line has consumed WAY too much free Red Bull, there are bound to be 'Conflicts of Interest' :roll: .

While the GP format was an interesting change, I doubt we would have had so much silliness with a normal 2 hr run per half of the field.

The course was well marked and tried to flow, but the lack of moisture didn't offer any favors.

The dust... with a lack of any wind whatsoever the entire day, was a Major player.

Add in the very impressive turnout, then bet your 'ass and income' on every turn you couldn't see till the trees told ya which way to go.... throw in lack of respect to fellow racers and bring it to a lively boil, and this is what we get :wink:.

Apparently there was a "Huge Factory Ride Contract" up for grabs exclusively for the Sportsman Class, but only for the winner...., no matter how many chicken$it takeouts of other racers not in their Class where required, this is very much an oddity, so I'll write it off to outside influences.

Yeah, I just said that.... get over it...

I got to witness an interesting group exercise performed by members of the C-Vet Advanced Class after their second race was over.

Being pitted at the exit area by the start gate, everyone exiting the track had to pass me by, 5 500 Class Racers performed a classic Pincer movement to trap a 400 classer also exiting (yes kid, I know your #), shut him down, and proceeded to express their displeasure at being held up, blocked, and otherwise having their race messed with for their entire last lap in a very competitive Class.

The kid had a temp # and no guards, all the others where in it for F'n real.

I wonder if the Lad knows how easy he got off... :|

I'm kinda' thinking that a Hare Scramble Series might want to just stick what it does best.... Chess, not checkers.


Re: Merwin DNF's

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 9:36 pm
by quik406
Chess! Check mate good sir. :D