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Attn. Dan Johnson: Hank's Place This Weekend

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 8:24 pm
by Gibber

I read the info for Hank's Place and the cash prizes are great although I am not banking on winning my class.

However, with as tight as some of the classes are I would expect a pretty good turn out. Something that may help though is camping Saturday Night and Open Riding for practice Saturday Afternoon. Any Chance? Obviously we would have to pay the normal $10.00 to ride Saturday but I would be in.

Please let all of us know ASAP. Or if you feel better about just letting me know I would be okay with that. :twisted: I'm not sayin' anything, I'm just sayin'! :shock: Or as Brett Kyle #749 would say; "I'm just tryin' to help". :lol: Sorry Brett, I couldn't resist! : :roll:


Re: Attn. Dan Johnson: Hank's Place This Weekend

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 7:40 am
by Iamdanjohnson
I may do that but I like to have an EMT available if I charge to ride. I have not arranged for an EMT but if we have a rider who is an EMT we might still be able to do it. I will do some checking and maybe someone will contact me after reading this.

Re: Attn. Dan Johnson: Hank's Place This Weekend

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 8:50 am
by Gibber
Could we ride for free without an EMT and make donations out of the goodness of our hearts? Ya know, just 'cause we are those kind of folks! :wink:

Thanks for looking in to it. I did not do real well there last year so I want all the practice I can get. Gotta catch Sexton and keep the rest of the top ten Vet 40's at bay! 8)

Re: Attn. Dan Johnson: Hank's Place This Weekend

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 10:08 am
by orangecrush
Gibber you need to follow someone that rides faster than you.

Re: Attn. Dan Johnson: Hank's Place This Weekend

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 10:25 am
by Gibber
I do that as often as I can. I really helps. Although sometimes it gets me in trouble too. I.E. Taylor Park, CO this past July. Following the infamous Tony Toman up Slaughterhouse gulch, 3rd gear and on the gas keeping up with him until I was laying on the trail with a busted rib.Oh well, nothing a hydrocodone and a bottle of bourbon couldn't deal with. :shock: Ended up spending the night in Gunnison after going to the Emergency room there just so the Doc could say "Yep, ya busted a rib!" :lol: That cost me $1100.00. At least it made my wife feel better, until we got the bill! :(

Re: Attn. Dan Johnson: Hank's Place This Weekend

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 3:48 pm
by orangecrush
If I can help just follow me during the race at Hanks place to the finish line. :mrgreen:

Re: Attn. Dan Johnson: Hank's Place This Weekend

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 3:54 pm
by orangecrush
I tried to follow Jim at Virgil but he went down in the second corner. I got a nice picture of you Jim. My wife took the picture. Sometimes it is hard to find someone to ride with.

Re: Attn. Dan Johnson: Hank's Place This Weekend

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 8:51 pm
by Gibber
I'm hard headed enough for just about any challenge but even your profile doesn't tell me who you are. Are we racin' each other?

Please forgive me if I should know who you are. I'm 51 years old and I drink tooooooooooo much. BUT I"M HAVING FUN! 8)

Re: Attn. Dan Johnson: Hank's Place This Weekend

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2015 1:47 am
by orangecrush
Yep #1046 Eric here.

Re: Attn. Dan Johnson: Hank's Place This Weekend

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2015 8:44 am
by Gibber
You're one of the Vet 40 wild cards! You ran a hell of a race at Camp MO PO. I dreaded letting you go but you were obviously way faster than me. I couldn't justify bitching about "YOU KNOW WHO" and then holding you up. All I could do was hope you made a mistake. Of course you and Jim ran almost perfect races.

I was watching my helmet cam video and saw you up at the north end of the row by yourself. I felt kind of funky not having gotten to know you. I will stop by at Hank's place. You going out today?

Good to meet you dude! Now you can just stay in the back for the next 3 races! :lol: I'm not sayin' anything, I'm just sayin'! :twisted: