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Congratulations Jadan Johnson!!! 2015 Champion

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 8:13 am
by Iamdanjohnson
2008 5th in JR
2009 12th in Sportsman
2010 Began the year in Sportsman then moved to C finishing 2nd.
2011 Began the year in C then moved to C Advanced then moved to B finsihing 2nd and 13th Overall
2012 Began the year in B then moved to A finishing 1st and 7th Overall
2013 1st in A class and 5th Overall
2014 AA class and finished 2nd Overall
2015 1st Overall

Re: Congratulations Jadan Johnson!!! 2015 Champion

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 8:38 am
by jstr244
Congratulations, Jadan! I'll always have the Warransburg II, 2013 race on you though! :lol:

Re: Congratulations Jadan Johnson!!! 2015 Champion

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 9:01 am
by Gibber
Congrats Jaden! It makes me feel good to know I'm riding the current champ's old bike! 8)

It is all good.

Re: Congratulations Jadan Johnson!!! 2015 Champion

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 11:05 am
by PK

Re: Congratulations Jadan Johnson!!! 2015 Champion

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 1:36 pm
by Extreme Park
Congratulations!!! 8) 8)

Re: Congratulations Jadan Johnson!!! 2015 Champion

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 7:09 pm
by tbarthree
:D outstanding, :!: congratulations and well done :!: :D

Re: Congratulations Jadan Johnson!!! 2015 Champion

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 5:21 pm
by WireFryer
Well Done, Jaden! 8) .

Talk about a "Product of the Series".... :mrgreen: .



Re: Congratulations Jadan Johnson!!! 2015 Champion

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 7:33 am
by shredder
Most Excellent Jadan!!

Well done my man!!

In years past, I used to gauge my performance by what lap I would pass you. Then I would gauge my performance on how many laps (1/2 - 1 - maybe 1 1/2) I could hang with you before you would inch by inch just slip away. Every race just getting a little faster , a little faster, and a little bit more faster....The last couple of years at a double race format I would hear the train a comin, hear you sound out and hold my line and admire you blast by with such speed and grace in the midst of battle. I would actually smile in my helmet and think "go after it man....GO!" Then in only three or four seconds even the little knee high wisps of dust in the corners would be gone and all evidence removed. WOW. WAY TO GO!!!! :wink:

I still can't help to hope that, well, at least in a little, tiny, small sort of way that the little plastic parts at all the double back and hard turns or large tightly clustered trees helped you see the trail more clearly anyway........or not! :lol: