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old man class

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 9:07 am
by Rebound
Alright Gibber......lets hear it ! I watched the start and your buddy "wide bike Bill" didn't beat you to the corner first. You boys still in bed ? I thought old people got up early. :lol:

Re: old man class

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 12:07 pm
by orangecrush
I was up by 5:00a.m. I have not much to say. I wish would have taken first lap slower. Would have done better maybe at the end.

Re: old man class

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 12:23 pm
by Gibber
Rebound wrote:Alright Gibber......lets hear it ! I watched the start and your buddy "wide bike Bill" didn't beat you to the corner first. You boys still in bed ? I thought old people got up early. :lol:
Bill and I are good. In fact he has been a good sport about the whole thing and I'm glad he has been. It's more fun racing' with your buddies than your enemies. I even saved a spot next to me for Bill. To be honest, when he told me he was back on his Yamaha I was worried 'cause that dude is quick. But the ole' 300 hooked up and kicked ass. Although Todd kicked just a little bit more ass and got the hole shot. I will be ready for Carbondale! :P

Went in to the woods 2nd behind Todd #1063 and again tried a couple of times to pass him but could not pull it off. Until we hit a bottle neck about 2 to 3 miles in to the first lap. Todd got hung up with a 700 rider, I went left and Ryan #1043 went right. As I got back on the trail another bike ran in to me and almost knocked me down but I was able to stay on it and got in behind Ryan. Turns out it was Todd that ran in to me when his bike hooked up and it was so tight he couldn't help it. Fortunately a tree kept me from falling over but somehow it jacked up Todd's front caliper so his brake kept locking up. He fought it as long as he could and even tried to fix it but ended up only getting 3 laps. Ryan on the other hand was on rails and although I stayed with him for the remainder of the 1st lap that was pretty much it. Good job to Ryan.

Dennis Utte #1025 passed me not long after Ryan did. Again, I was able to stay with him in the woods but the motocross an open sections was where he would lose me. All I could hope for was for Dennis to make a mistake so I settled in for 4th as the infamous Joe King made his way around me.

Wait a minute, 4th? By the beginning of my 4th lap there was the familiar sound of the #1046 4 stroke of Eric Schneider Hunting me down! We were pretty evenly matched all the way around so it was a really good race for almost 2 laps. In the motocross section at the end of the 4th lap I rolled the double and Eric doubled it giving him the lead. I really thought I could take him in the woods but he ran a perfect lap with absolutely no mistakes. I stayed with him but there was no chance for me to get around him. Looked like I was going to get 5th. Then at the tail end of the 5th lap at the last steep down in to the creek and back up climb there were a couple of riders that had gotten out of whack on the way up and were trying to get their bikes picked up. Eric and I rolled thru nice and smooth and kept on going. As I went thru I realized one of them was Dennis. There was that "one" mistake. Back in 4th. So I got on the gas and stuck with Eric to the finish. 4th place! What a great race.

There was a 600 or 700 rider I came up on in the grass around the tires that went down going around the last tire before ducking back in to the woods thru the gate. I slowed down to see if he was alright and he gave me the thumbs up. He looked good. The whole thing kind of happened in slow motion. I hope all is good and thanks for letting me know you were okay.

Only got passed by about 3 800's and I think only one 900. Again, all were good passes but apparently I did hold one 800 up. Real sorry for that. Didn't mean to. There were some sections that were pretty tough to pass in and with the racing being as close as it is I really am waiting for the rev limiter or the whoo hoo before I work on finding a spot to let you go without goofing up my race. Also, I know I got passed by a bike when we both passed another one together. Don't know which case it was but if I did hold you up I sure am sorry and I really did not mean to. Just an FYI though, since I am running a 75.6% speed if you are passing me from the 800's looks like both of us need to move up! :shock: I'm not sayn' anything, I'm just sayn'! :lol: So next year you fast 800's will be in the 6th row and wont have to worry about getting around this old man anymore! :wink:

Course was awesome and was marked really well. I just wish I had bigger balls in the motocross section. Oh well, I will take 4th and as long as I can pull of a 5th at Carbondale I should have it. Guess I need to talk to Bill about strategy! :shock: :lol: I ain' counting on that. I'm just gonna hope the Ole' 300 takes off like a rocket one more time this season! 8)

See you all at Carbondale!


Re: old man class

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 8:04 pm
by tbarthree
:D Gibbs and I are good. but with all this stuff and fluff I got some new nicknames :lol: , wide bike bill, blocker bill , ole pain in the a$$ bill and sun of 7^$%# and so on :shock: . but it is all good I have a class of old men that I call friends :P .my day started off good talk with Gibbs and the B.S is done. Gibber saved me a spot on the line. his jump was just a little better then mine and we went in the hole side by side with Gibber on the inside of me he had the line. went through the gate in blinding dust 3rd or 4th Joe King got out to the right and went to work passing all he could. first lap came around in 5th all is well until the cedar tree cave left hand right hand turn. came in hot and got a cut off branch around my right foot and could not get on the peg or the brake :shock: so though the trees I go get untangled a back though the tree dropping back to 9th.i never got going good after that by lap 5 I am back to 11th.but I hade fun :D .Seth my son 684 had a good one going tell lap 2 a 700 rider made a good clean pass but kicked up a big rock and shot it through his radiator :shock: his race was over :cry: . but that's racing off road :D

Re: old man class

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 8:02 pm
by WireFryer
Ok... Who in the Grand Class came within a cat whisker of face-planting the cattle gate, at the entrance to the woods, after the start?? :shock: .

All I saw in the dust fog was a rear tire about 2 feet in the air, and it seemed to be attached to a Yamaha doing an epic Wattsy' Stop... I'm thinking it's Houghton as I zip by, after Zapping 4 of you Gclass Turkeys before the fence, cuz' I stayed upwind of the dust! :mrgreen:

But I digress.. My primary goal for the day was to let my GrandDaughter Katelynn work her will on me and let her race in the PeeWees for the first time, all her idea, and I believe it was a bit of an eye-opener for the Young Lady.

This involved intense UN Level 5 Negotiations on her part with her Mommy, and a close shave with the Big D in front of my shop at 5am Sunday morning with Nana.

Get parked in one of the bigger pits I've seen this Season, for a second I thought we had pulled into a hookup outfit 30 miles from some football game. I compliment Gibber on his very tasty pins, and check the clock.

Now I understand why Peewee Parents are tear-assing around when the Sun itself has barely popped up. Lack of Time!

Her KLX won't start for the first time in it's career, then grenades the the kickstart engagement sprag mechanism. BearBait next to us helps to try and roll start it 3 times, no joy.

Colby hits up Dan for a fresh plug and comes back with Graysons' KLX.

We throw her on it and get a practice lap in... and this is all before 9am :wink:

She got her first race in on the loaner.... and admitted on the way home that She probably would have done better on her bike, but not in a rude way, just acknowledging the fact we are all more comfy on our own rides :wink:.

The Folks that support and help out with the Peewees ensure that our Sport survives.... do what you can to help them out 8) .

Re: old man class

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 7:43 am
by shredder

The nick name "Ol Pain In The Ass" you earned last year Bill. I had a better chance of taking out a 2 1/2" tree than get by you quickly.

I speak for myself here and I want to say that you totally earned that nick name and I use it out of respect. Your determination and focus for such a long length of time even when your body gets weary you hold your determination. I figured it would all shake out because of the caliber of man and the sportsmen that I know you are. You and I have had many talks about ...well...other racers not doing some very nice things out there in the woods. Your just not big at blowing your own horn.......

I could teach you some of that, if your interested! Now there is something I am good at! :lol:

Re: old man class

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 12:56 pm
by orangecrush
You guys complain about Bill, I almost forgot to mention I was able to pass him twice. Within two laps, who can top that?

Re: old man class

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 4:17 pm
by WireFryer
orangecrush wrote:You guys complain about Bill, I almost forgot to mention I was able to pass him twice. Within two laps, who can top that?
Ohhhh Dear.... I kinda' feel bad Eric. While I was busy harassing you on the start line, I probably should have mentioned that any Gclass member who passes Wild Bill, twice, in one race, .... is immediately promoted to the 700 club 8) . It's in the rulebook, look it up!

You're gonna love them silly rascals... all the time, having fun! Joking, Gibber, and Sexton will be there as well next Season to keep ya' company :mrgreen:

(psssst, and don't worry about the de-coder ring initiation myth, all those Ytube vids are lies, lies, and more lies. and it only hurt when I looked in the mirror for the next month :oops:.



Re: old man class

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 10:09 pm
by orangecrush
Shooooooot, I was leaning towards the 500 class. When ran in the 600 class years ago, my bike was 60lbs heavier. I put it on a diet wow it feels better. If your going to get better, go big. I might even sign up for a 600 class just so I could see if I can still pass Bill and catch Gibbs.

Re: old man class

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 10:36 pm
by tbarthree
Eric my good man, you got the speed for 500 class. your come from behind on first lap thing you do jacks with every ones head :shock: . job well done :!: will have to tell me how you do your late game, you cant show me you well just run off :oops: :lol: . if you go to the 600 class you will have to deal with a student of OL pain in the a$$ my sun Seth #684. hes not as slow as his ol dad :D .we all are out for fun and its been good to get to race with you and all the 1000 class.