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Discussion topics

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2015 10:28 am
by Iamdanjohnson
Not much activity on the board so I thought I would throw out some things I am pondering. I would welcome feedback. If you would rather not post, you can email me at

Banquet- I may break up main dishes and deserts by alphabet this year and see how that goes. It seems like we end up with too much food.

I plan to keep doing race day splits half of the year then switch. I often consider if I should just make it the same way for the year but this current method seems to balance things out. I also flip the order every year so we will start the first half in the same order we ended last year.

Music on race day/Anthem. I want someone to step up and take this job. That person will bring the sound system and a flag to each race so I don’t have to deal with it.

Scoring people We need more! We overwork the few that are willing to help. I would like several people to step up and help with this in 2016. It is not that hard but very detail oriented.

Percentiles will be truly assigned to two people to go over after EVERY race. What we have works very well but it is time for riders to ride the class their own speed dictates. I have let this be too loose in the last several years and it is simply unfair to the riders who belong in a current class.

Saturday riding. I think this is the best thing and want to try and have it as an option as much as possible. My concern is the liability. I will be checking with our insurance provider. It will be mandatory to sign a waiver before you ride so make sure it gets done. I can't keep track of everyone so keep track of yourself.

Classes. For now I think the cut off points are working. I will be using a spreadsheet program to see if any tweaking needs done.

1000 running with the 100’s race – The split we are using is working out to be 1/3 for the 1-5 race and 2/3 for the 6-12 race. Sometimes 60/40 but never close to an even split. 1000’s seem to be the best choice but it will only work if they are all VERY mindful of getting out of the way. This will solve the issue of that larger group of 700, 1000, 800 getting bunched up. Small issue but it may be hard to post race day schedules so that it is clear 1000 riders need to show up in time for the 1-5 race. I guess it will now be called 1-5 & 10 race.

Changing bikes during a race. I think we are all in it for fun and no sense being done for the day if you somehow have a second bike available. Somewhere in this I think the rider should be docked a certain period of time. Maybe one to five minutes. In most cases it would take a minute or more to even get in and out of the pits for the change. I have thrown this out to several people and very few think this is fair so maybe we just wont do it. I do want it to be possible to rejoin the race and get some ride time in even if it cannot count toward points.

Was the GP format worth doing? I think I will at least do Merwin that way again this year. I really don’t know that it would be that great at any regular location. I am still working on a way to make the points work out but I know I at least have the option I used this year of having season points for both races. If I do that, we will have 15 total scores and may just count 10 toward the season points. Basically it would add one throwaway.

I like to throw things out there for all to see and comment on. My feeling is I am just guiding the boat, you all are rowing it.

Re: Discussion topics

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2015 3:11 pm
by Harvey Mushman
Isn't the GP format having something like two 45 min moto's instead of the usual 2 hour continuous race? What is the objective/purpose of doing a GP format over the 2 hour race?


Re: Discussion topics

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2015 3:53 pm
by JayShafe8
I like the idea of moving a class into the race of 1-5 classes. I have also noticed that the 1-5 race is always lower in number compared to the other race. I have also noticed the same bunch up of racers from 800, 900, 1000. It seems like it is restricting on racing because the classes blend so much in the race causing a train of riders together. I think it would be better to add a class to the 1-5 race.

Re: Discussion topics

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2015 6:56 pm
by WireFryer
I'm kinda' liking the starting with the 100s idea on split races... there will be a long pause behind us after the start, then a wave of fast movers ripping by with NO confusion or second guessing about who is gnawing on your back tire, it is definitely worth a try or 3 as long as everybody is on the same page as far as passing etiquette, ( wow! I just felt the collective groan from the 800 class... :shock: )

You and your bike line up on the starting line as a Team, if either of you fail... your day is over, just my opinion on the matter. :x

After 10 years with this Series, it's clear to me that the perceived advantage of Saturday riding on the course benefitting your Sunday race day..., is very much outshined by promoting a group atmosphere and getting the future of our Sport out there on the Big Boy Course with little pressure on the kids. 8)

I can't agree more that Percentiles need to more rigorously monitered and applied....
Riders are quietly leaving the Series, or choosing not to participate because they see someone blow into their class, run crazy fast percentages repeatedly, and are allowed to Stay in the Class for the run of the Season.

The first time I went to the Ft. Scott course in 2007, a much younger Dan Johnson held the riders meeting and at the end of it, called out 3 Racers.

He moved all 3 UP in a very public way, even had temp numbers all printed out they could put on 10 minutes before board drop... told em' they where riding good! :wink:

That's what needs to start happening again,


Re: Discussion topics

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2015 9:24 pm
by orangecrush
I personally don't like GP races. It doesn't give me time to make up time when I make a mistake. Besides longer race time is about endurence and who is able to ride an entire 2 hrs.

All temp tag racers racing for the first time should all ride in the TRAIL RIDERS class. This way by the next race they could be put in correct class.

Re: Discussion topics

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2015 12:39 pm
by Pumpkinpatch
On the one bike / two bike deal; either make it really hurt (10 minute penalty) or run-what-you-brung and make prepping your one bike and having it last 2 hours part of the sport. If someone has the financial means to bring two bikes or enough buddies to borrow one, they should also have the means to maintain the one they race. ISDE rules.

No GP "double points" please. No reason racing for only two 45 minute races should be worth points for each moto. It really penalizes those who have to miss that one day event.
I like the GP's; and the change of pace it offers, just want it to be a fit into the overall point plans. As for any speed average issues, why sweat it for one event? The format might even be misleading for percentiles anyway. I know plenty of races who can go like the wind for 45 minutes, and some that take an hour just to wake up.

Make it mandatory to race the Walters Ranch race in October. I hear the promoter is a really nice guy, promises it won't rain and needs to keep mama happy to be able to enjoy this crazy sport. :)

It's all good. all the time.

Re: Discussion topics

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2015 8:48 pm
by Gibber
I have to say I agree with Mark and Eric both. My strong suit is keeping the bike on 2 wheels for 2 hours, not breaking down or having what I need to fix it and having the endurance to make one more lap when others are throwing in the towel. I had a lot of fun to a point at Merwin but it would be crappy if for some reason I could not race that "ONE" day but have to lose points for two races. I prefer to stick with the traditional hare scramble format.

As for speed percentages, Dan you kind of know where I stand on that. I hate the fact that a one or two race per year rider comes in, signs up for a class he is really too fast for just to get a trophy then screws up our points. That is a big reason I wont race Thurman and was a problem at Merwin. However, just sticking them in the trail riders is not fair to the 900's either. I believe there have been some different ideas thrown out out you on this but I say If you are a new racer and sign up for the VET 40s but run an 86% you can keep the plastic trophy but your finish and most of all the points are moved to the appropriate class.

I also think the speed should be linked to wins. There is a guy in the vet 40s running a 74.9% and several people are talking about him moving up to the 700s. However, this racer has never even won a race so how can he be too fast for the class? There needs to be a balance. 74.9% and best finish 2nd is not speed it is consistency. Just my opinion.

AS for the race at WR, I agree with Mark. Maybe not so much on the mandatory thing but at least on the nice guy part. I hear he is pretty fast too! :lol: Anyway, I plan to be there. WR is one of my favorites. Technical and slower. Makes you work the bike and tests your equipment. Mine usually holds up.

Re: Discussion topics

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 11:00 pm
by Ed M
Dan sign me up to be one of the percentile monitors, will there be any adjustments to the percentile brackets for 2016??

This series has throwaways - if your bike breaks down then you shouldn't be able to finish the race on another bike and get points. Now if you go out on another bike just to get race time that is ok, but no points.

Saturday practices are a great thing, I personally don't get to do this very often but appreciate it when I can take advantage of it.

I didn't care for the GP format, as mentioned before, someone who is in a points battle may lose points for two races if they can't make it that day.

Moving the 1000 class to start behind the 500 class is a great idea.