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Gibber In Space

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2016 6:56 pm
by FlyinRyan
I had the opportunity to ride with Gibber this last weekend and I've got to tell you, I'm a little concerned. Like you I always hear Gibber talking about his "Rocket Ship". Well I always thought he just referred to his bike as the "Rocket Ship" because he feels like he has a fast bike that he has worked hard to make fast but no, this guy Gibber actually thinks he travels the series on his "Rocket Ship". He goes on and on about how he can't get too far out into orbit because unlike myself running on 91 octane, this guy is running $12.00 a gallon rocket fuel in his "Rocket Ship".

Moral of the story, if Gibber comes up to you and starts to tell you about his space travels on his "Rocket Ship" just smile and nod your head every once in awhile and get comfortable because his space travel stories tend to be a bit winded which is pretty ironic since I don't think there is wind in space.

Re: Gibber In Space

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 9:32 am
by jgordo
Since Gibber has a cool name for his bike I think it's only fitting that you, as a fellow Letko rider should also name your bike!! Personally if I were you, I would contact the Coast Guard and get it registered at the Port of Auburn!! As much time as that bike spent in and under water this winter, some deployable pontoons might also be a good idea! If we cross the creek at Chanute this year, you and the K-anoee will might be tempted to go on a float trip!! Dan may want to add a life jacket to the equipment list for sweep riders! :D :D Love ya guys and your awesome B.S.! Unfortunately most of its true...

Re: Gibber In Space

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 1:05 pm
by Gibber
Tough crowd Ryan but I seem to recall you spending a fair amount of time in the drink at Leo's as well. :shock: Have you considered a snorkel system? :lol: I understand they work pretty well on a 300. May want to think about it, we cross the creek twice this year at Virgil City. :?

Don't worry about the 736 Rocket Ship. 8) I have the power valve turned up, a fresh supply of rocket fuel and we are ready to tear it up at Virgil City. :mrgreen: Should be a lot of fun and hopefully a big turn out.

P.S. If you happen to see any course makers that say "743 This Way" go ahead and follow them. They are there for your protection and will make sure you are on the correct course and best route for your KTM 743 Submarine. And don't worry, the course correction has been reviewed and approved by the Camp MO PO racing committee. :twisted: You won't need to worry about any "Off Course" violations! :shock:

Re: Gibber In Space

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 5:19 pm
by FlyinRyan
A guy falls neck deep into water in the middle of December once and belly deep once in February and all of a sudden I have a problem with water crossings and need a snorkel. As far as a life jacket goes, im riding on an Enduro engineering seat. Besides being 5" of comfort to sit on for an entire 2 hr race it also doubles as a life preserver.
Yes Gibber, Leo's is where I went neck deep but the water was surprisingly warm for December. Too bad I'm not riding a Suzuki like Tom because I do like the sound of Yellow Submarine. I kind of like U.S.S. Sally or would you guys be more comfortable being passed by a bike with a more masculine name. Surprised Orange Crush doesn't have an opinion. He's probably out practicing his wheelies, I heard he is going to try and race Virgil without a front wheel.