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The correct class

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2016 3:19 pm
by Iamdanjohnson
We have three races in now and that is usually a decent sampling. Take a look at how you are doing and decide if you need to move up or maybe even move down. By move down I don't mean those guys who are getting top tens but the ones that find themselves moving over all day for the class(es) behind them.

This whole thing is supposed to be fun so let me know if a different class might help. AND I don't mean dropping down so you can win!

To find an accurate percentile don't just use the ones posted. Look at your good race or even your one good lap on a given day and divide that time into the leaders average time (15min divided by 20 min equals .75) and you will see where your actual potential lies. Sometimes having issues throws the percentile off. Or just look up a certain rider you know you can run with when the stars align correctly and see what their speed is.

I don't see any huge runaways but I have emailed a few that seem to be on an upward trend in their abilities. It is a bit too soon to have an "official" move up. I don't really have any great way to determine move downs so that is usually best decided from within!

Re: The correct class

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2016 10:23 am
by Iamdanjohnson
I am still doing my best to watch the percentiles and make contact with riders who need to move up or down. It is a constant battle in some cases and one I don't think I should need to have. I am very pleased to see several riders who have moved themselves up without any mention of it from me.

Take a look again and see if you need to move one way or the other. The best races are the ones you race with someone the entire day. Usually feels great when that happens even if you get 10th or whatever position.

If your running away with your class and haven't heard from me, it may be because I don't have your correct information in the system. I plan to mark sign up cards at Carbondale for the ones that need to move and/or you may get an email or phone call.

Every year there will be a few classes that just don't overlap well with the percentiles so don't be surprised if someone seems to be a couple points over in some races and doesn't get moved. The best racing is the goal and sometimes the percentiles don't work perfect. On that note, the percentiles are our best guide and they are not perfect but very useful. Some races simply run a bit too high or a bit too low. I factor those in when I determine if a rider is in the wrong class. Sometimes I adjust the leaders time after an event to get the percentiles back in line with where they should be. Some really fast races and some really tight twisty races seem to be the ones that put everyone 2 to 5 points high every year. Just look at the entire percentile line before you panic about your percentile or someone elses.

The fun factor is the ultimate guide for all of this and it cant be calculated with a computer.

Re: The correct class

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2016 2:36 pm
by Iamdanjohnson
We now have 5 races in and you should be able to tell where you belong. I have moved several people up since the season started and many have moved up on their own. Evaluate where you are and decide if you need to move up or maybe move down.

If you are riding a class too high and not keeping up, not only are you not having fun but you are holding up the class behind you. Go ahead and move down and have some fun. There is no shame in riding the right class. The move ups I enforce but the move downs are pretty much on your own. I will sometimes talk to someone if I see they are struggling. I don't know of anyone right off so don't start feeling guilty thinking I wrote this just for you!