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700 Club votes rev or no rev.

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2016 5:51 am
by orangecrush
Only for 700 riders, post yes or no to the revving issues. We as a class want too see where everyone stands.

I vote NO

Re: 700 Club votes rev or no rev.

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2016 10:35 am
by Gibber
I vote yes as long as it is understood that it does not automatically afford you a passing opportunity.

Re: 700 Club votes rev or no rev.

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2016 1:28 pm
by Speedysdad
If this is only for 700 riders, its a great idea to discuss it on the open forum so that all those in the other classes know what you're doing.

This is discussed every couple years and Dan's passing rule is usually the best solution to all these problems. If someone catches you, they are probably faster. Let them go and pace them and you will probably be faster.

Since I don't race in any class, I won't vote.

Re: 700 Club votes rev or no rev.

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2016 8:18 pm
by yellow jacket
Tough choice, but I am a fan of revving. My voice is not loud and I cannot make those high pitched shrills that young guys have. I also have an extremely quite race bike. I can follow people for a very long time and they do not even know I am there, and when I bump there rear tire it is like I have insulted them. The rules state that there are no means of making noise that can be mounted to the motorcycle, so that makes your choices limited. Gotta go with the rev vote.

Re: 700 Club votes rev or no rev.

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 8:31 am
by orangecrush
The real reason behind all this, I have heard other riders complain about the issue of revving. I am willing to start a discussion about this subject. Some might follow post just to see how everyone feals.
I don't want to start revving my fellow racers and loose my friendship. That I am trying to hang onto. I can drown out most two strokes with my four.
Ok, I've decided, if I don't know you I am going to rev my bike so that everyone in the class knows that I am stuck behind a slow rider. lol What a waste of fuel that will be.

Re: 700 Club votes rev or no rev.

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 11:40 am
by Spooner
I'm just sticking to the rules-I'll rev at other classes and not at guys in my own class.

Tom, you can't vote, you've only raced like once this year! :mrgreen:
Come back, we miss you!

Re: 700 Club votes rev or no rev.

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 3:02 pm
by Jason g
My vote counts as a soon to be 700 rider again. If I hear a rev I'm moving over.

Re: 700 Club votes rev or no rev.

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 8:17 am
by Iamdanjohnson
Revving just pisses me off and nothing more. In my class or someone wanting by is exactly the same. I had this happen plenty when I was following my boys and in that situation I was always quick to move but I could move a lot quicker if I had some advanced notice. This is true for almost every rider out there. If you are lapping, a quick yell in advance lets someone know to be looking for a spot and they will move much faster. A rev right when you get to them does almost nothing. On those times when I was racing and having a bad day, someone revving in my class would usually slow me down to a walk in the really tight stuff! If someone yelled my name or just yelled to let them by, I would just move over and hope I could follow them and find my mojo. If I couldn't, I had no reason in the world to be in their way. I would rather beat someone for third then block them for third.

In those "old days" the universal word to someone not in your class was "trail". When you came up on a different class, you just yelled trail and they knew to move. This has been lost over the years but certainly worth revisiting. If you folks remind me, I will bring this up at some rider's meetings and on the line and maybe it will pick back up again. This works well when it is used in a professional manner and never used on someone in your class. Theoretically trail means move over I am not in your class and will only work if everyone respects that meaning.

Part of the problem some of you are facing is you don't belong in the class your in and that is why people in your own class seem to be holding you up. Let go of the percentiles saying you are fine where you are and move on up where you have to push just to keep up. The exact opposite of what I just said is those who have done that very thing and they simply don't belong in that next class up and are being caught soon and often by the class behind them.

It really is up to the individual rider to choose correctly for themselves and not worry about me doing it or the percentiles guiding them. It is racing and not everyone gets to win. The funnest race you will ever have is racing the entire two hours with someone for any position. Winning and riding all by yourself is actually not all that memorable.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it!!

Re: 700 Club votes rev or no rev.

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 12:50 pm
by orangecrush
Hey Dan,
I remember back in my younger days the word "TRAIL" was used the same way. Wow how things have changed. Thanks for helping me remember that universal word. I will use it once again.

Re: 700 Club votes rev or no rev.

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 4:06 pm
by Gibber
Well said Dan and I am glad you got in to this one. I have let guys in my class go because they were obviously faster and I have raced with them as well. I don't want to have one of the guys who is pretty equal with me let me go when we could be racing. I know some of the guys in the 800s and the 900s that have been known to call out my name and I let them go pretty quick. So maybe trail is the best way. I think we need to do something and it really does need to start at the riders meetings and on the start line. It has been drilled in to our heads to let the guys behind us go, now you need to do the same with the method for getting around the class in front.

As for the rev, seems there are a few in our class that are for it amongst our own class. So be it. I'm good with that. It really does not mess with me unless I'm trying to get out of your way. And now I won't be so right on. :twisted: