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Chadwick Group Ride Thanks Giving Weekend 11-25 thru 11-27

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 8:11 am
by Gibber
36.8925° N, 93.1001° W ... rkId=72019

Hey Everybody!

Now that the season is over it's time to just ride for fun. One of the best rides I have been on is with a good size group at Chadwick the weekend after Thanks Giving. What better way to give thanks than to tear up some Missouri country side on you dirt bike with a few of your racing/riding buddies?! 8)

Although it is Missouri and anything can change at any time, forecast shows low 60's for the high, sunny and dry the entire weekend! :D Do you really want to keep your bike in the garage and watch football? :shock: I think not. Let's get out and ride! :mrgreen:

GPS Coordinates above are for the Cobb Ridge Campground at Chadwick and the link is to the federal web site. There are no Electric sites left to reserve but we have never had a problem getting walk up electric and there will be plenty of us with generators. Also, a lot of times it turns out for at least a couple of meals to be a bit of pot luck so bring what you like. Truth is, there are no expectations but to get out and ride! 8)

I hope a bunch of you can make it. I know of a couple of guys who plan to be there who know Chadwick really well so it is usually a huge blast.

See you all in there but if not see you at the banquet. If you have any questions about the group feel free to email me at or call my cell 785-760-3479. Lastly, there are cabins to rent but good luck with that. Their web site is


Re: Chadwick Group Ride Thanks Giving Weekend 11-25 thru 11-

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2016 9:41 am
by Gibber
Hey Everybody,

Just checked the weather for Chadwick this weekend and if you're not able to make it out I'm sorry! :cry: 60 degrees and sunny with some spotty showers on Sunday. PERRRRRRRFECT! 8)

Hope to see a bunch of you. Already shaping up to be a pretty big group. I sure hope Ryan makes enough chili!!! :lol:

Re: Chadwick Group Ride Thanks Giving Weekend 11-25 thru 11-

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2016 4:22 pm
by rebel617
Post your campsite when u get there Gibbs, if you're able.

Re: Chadwick Group Ride Thanks Giving Weekend 11-25 thru 11-

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2016 4:27 pm
by Gibber
Will do if I have service. Todd Sexton may already be there. I just sent him a text. Should be either loop B or C. I can text you too.

See you Friday!

Re: Chadwick Group Ride Thanks Giving Weekend 11-25 thru 11-

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2016 5:39 pm
by rebel617

Re: Chadwick Group Ride Thanks Giving Weekend 11-25 thru 11-

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2016 12:34 pm
by sexton88
We are camping on the road to Cobb ridge camp ground at the KC Pavilion. Look for SGracing trailer.