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Holeshot 2017

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2017 8:19 am
by Iamdanjohnson
I just wanted to have the first post for 2017!

Sorry if you thought this was a huge announcement about hole shot prizes this year. we may actually have a few races with those awards though.

By the way, when you refer to the holeshot that is just the guy who is first on the start. You cannot be 2nd or 3rd on the holeshot as some say. In that event you are 2nd or 3rd on the start. Let's get this terminology correct.

I do plan various kinds of starts this year to mix things up.

Happy New Year!

Re: Holeshot 2017

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2017 11:49 am
by Lurch1
My very first race was a hare scramble in New Hartford IA in 1977. They had us line the bikes up backwards and then sit on the bike backwards. So we were facing the correct direction but the bikes were not. Then when the flag dropped we had to get up, turn around, get on the bike, start it and do a U-turn to get going in the right direction. It sounds like it would be mass pandemonium but it wasn't that bad. You just need to leave a little more room between each row to allow for the U-turn.
Brent Eflin

Re: Holeshot 2017

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 10:40 am
by David Gardner
I think that would be a hoot! I haven't raced in a while, but I would like to try that!

Re: Holeshot 2017

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 1:21 pm
by PK
Mixing up the starting procedure always brings added excitement. The start takes 1-5 seconds out of a 2 hour race. You can always see the added anxiety in the racers face. Moto guys always want a live engine start no matter what, guys with the button usually are quiet and don’t say much and Haresramble regulars with kick-start or older bikes grumble about everything as usual. Some racers use it with full confidence to psych out their fellow racers next to them while others complain about their bad knees, fused back vertebra, locked-up neck, bad hearing, poor eye-sight, bald rear tire, missing knobbies on front tire, starting area grass is too tall, soil is too damp, it’s too hot, it’s too cold, pants and jersey is too tight, etc. It is usually forgot about within a couple minutes and a couple turns but adds an extra bit of excitement for the fans and spectators and makes for some great pics and Go-Pro clips…..

I can remember some of the starts I have had at races:
-Standard dead engine, bike facing forward, racer sitting on bike with shot-gun start. (I am fond of starting with a shot gun or cannon.)
-Dead engine, bike facing forwards and racer facing backwards straddle the bike’s front tire. (Some excited racers with the button have been known to run over themselves.)
-When space is available starting all classes together, one big line, dead engine shot gun start.
-Dead engine, have someone hold the bike, each class is lined up 20’ back then run to bike, start it and go. GP style.
-Live engine, racer holds their clutch hand on their helmet, waits for flag drop or bang. (Auto-clutch guys seem to like this one.)

Never have seen the type Lurch1 is talking about. Might work well with a small group. Have seen a racer penalized and had to start facing backwards for jumping the start too many times.

Has anyone be apart or seen something different?

Re: Holeshot 2017

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 1:35 pm
by Iamdanjohnson
I am not sure that I could even get on (or off) my bike if I was facing the wrong way! Nothing to hold onto except the fender and my leg would surely get caught on the bars and or tank and down I would go! Perhaps I should just try it and video the entire thing, especially the first try.

I don't think having the bikes facing the wrong way would end up well. Having the riders face the wrong way could be a possibility though. I think I most prefer the run up to the bike they did up in IA this year. It really mixed things up quite a bit. We would have to have a rule about the person holding the bike not starting the bike. I am pretty sure I heard a bike or two start before the rider was to it.

Re: Holeshot 2017

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 8:09 pm
by Bridgebuilder
Dang ! Im Always a year late Hitting these deals lol and I told Flyn Ryan all my secrets.. live engine starts are no Bueno!!!

Re: Holeshot 2017

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2017 1:54 pm
by Rebound
At the Flat river GP we lined up on mains street behind a 4 wheeler. He lead us down the street to the fist corner, which was a drop off into the river. Only rule was you could not pass the 4 wheeler. There was allot of elbows and rubbing all the way down main.


Re: Holeshot 2017

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2017 5:24 pm
by Harvey Mushman
Perry says;......
I can remember some of the starts I have had at races:

-Dead engine, bike facing forwards and racer facing backwards straddle the bike’s front tire. (Some excited racers with the button have been known to run over themselves.)

Perry Keegan

^^^^^^ Remember this one from Thunderhill years ago. It wasn't too bad.

Facing/sitting backwards however on the bike, then having to get off then back on, no way, I'd need back surgery afterwards trying to do that. I remember hearing one club required all the riders to drop their helmets in a big pile. When the flag dropped you had to run 20 yards, find your lid, and get back to your bike and then go.

I think all this nonsense would make some great video and be good for the spectators. It should be implemented immediately for anyone 59 y/o or younger. If you're 60+ y/o, it should be a conventional live engine MX start. YEEEEHAAAAAW!


Re: Holeshot 2017

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2017 8:09 pm
by orangecrush
My told me of a start that he was involved in. He told me it was a lot of fun to watch.
You have all the riders about start, throw their boots in a pile. When flag drops, go find your boots and run back to your bike, then go.

I wonder how many boots look the same? I only hope you got yours not someone else's or vise versa.

Re: Holeshot 2017

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 11:43 am
by 2WheelsTony
Florida DirtRiders used to do a modified GP start: bike propped up/kickstanded, dead-engine, rider dismounted standing on the prior classes starting line, loud noise (gun, horn, cannon) start. It was great to see all the ways folks used course-marker tape to get clutch lever and kick-starter in just the right position, tweak the bars just so. Friend of mine practiced so much he'd lead with left hand pushing the clutch lever in/bike off stick used to prop it up, launch himself with only left hand touching bike and land boot-first on the kickstarter. It was damn fun to watch and he hole-shotted every time it started first kick :P