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Round 4 Big Springs KS Pit/Bike Races Sat Night

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 2:25 pm
by PK
Hello racer boys and girls of all ages!!!

FMHSC Round 4 Big Springs

Saturday Night Big Springs Pit Bike/Mini-Bike races under the lights are back!

This is a plenty of time early heads up.

This is the time to justify buying your other 1/2 the mini bike she may, or may not, know she always wanted. This is a great reason to finally justify getting that 5 gallon pale of Race Fuel, new tires, that .05 HP gaining loud exhaust or Big Bore kit for your pit scooter.

So starting hitting craigs list and calling your local FMHSC sponsoring dealers and sign up for that new credit card or start dipping into the "new carpet for the house" fund and get the parts rolling in!!!