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Heartland Park race report

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2018 2:18 pm
by Weissbeck
The first lap I was all over Bill
It was just racing no big deal
The dirt was really sweet
No rocks what a treat
Those wrong turns will make you ill

Why is Marshall off his bike
It looks as if he is out for a hike
It was not a crash
The whole field got pass
A lost Go Pro, you won, psych

Good job on the win Trent Glass
Fred on the Yamaha could not pass
You should have brought the Beta
Fast like a Cheetah
Mid pack racing is sucking ass

You know I came here to ride
No chance of hurting my pride
Yes it is cold as Hell
Did not want to quit oh well
Last minute let someone pass I cried

Really the goal is to have fun
Don’t hurt, maim or even kill someone
It seems I have some mad rhymes
All though I’m nearing my prime
Will this guy ever be done

This is a Limerick if you couldn’t tell
Those fast sections thought I would shell
Your correct I might be crazy
But for sure am not lazy
I will not respond to your e-mail

Troy Weissbeck 1014

Re: Heartland Park race report

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2018 8:00 pm
by WireFryer
If Dr. Seuss rode Hare Scrambles, had a wicked whiskey hangover at sign up, and then drilled a low hanging branch on his first lap... the previous statement would make complete sense... :mrgreen: