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Melvern race report

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 10:33 am
by Weissbeck
Melvern My favorite place to race

This race reports overwhelming theme is “s#!t”. In my attempt to keep this report as reader friendly as possible I will just refer to the S word as “S”. If at this point you find yourself offended then quit reading just about NOW.

Thought I took the Melvern exit, but actually took the hi-way 77 exit. GPS chick was telling me to turn Right, will I knew that chick was full of S. I push on, thought my surroundings looked familiar. Told my wife that all we had to do was turn Left and go about a mile or so to California. Well thanks to Kevin he answered my call for help. Anyway showed up to the race later then I like, and Shirley everyone calls the gps lady a chick?? A point for you, if you caught don’t call me Shirley.

Got my usual S’ty start. Something crazy happened, some dude passed me by cutting the curves, I was like what the S. So I cut the next curve and passed him back. You’ll can confirm with Jim he seen the whole thing go down. I’m still a little amazed by that action, but was really fun.

Put down a good second lap, got pass some of my classmates. Came through scoring in 9th place. Third lap, I stalled and crashed just once, low speed so no harm, but when I came through scoring it showed me in 16th place. What the S? How the S did that happen? Was that easy line that I took a mile long? My soul had been taken from me.

Fourth lap was rough, stalled in the mud, crashed in the mud, over the bars in the mud. I was so surprised and thankful that this mud didn’t smell like S. However was losing time with all these close ground inspections. Was riding with Honda guy most of the day, he seemed smooth with no crashes.

Fifth lap, it’s time to stop crashing, felt like someone was catching me. Sure enough here comes Rich, was able to hold him off, good clean racing?

Fun course, haven’t cleaned the bike yet. Dreaming of Electric Start and Rekluse clutch.

Seen a video of the start, shout out to the OLD man who got the hole shot.

Thanks for the opportunity to race on this property, and for FMHSC doing their thing.

Troy Weissbeck 1014