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Just checking in

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2018 11:54 am
by Iamdanjohnson
Most of this is just letting you know what all is going on. I still have a lot to finalize.

I am working on the schedule and trying to finalize some locations. I have visited two new ones so far and haven't decided if they will work or not. It is pretty likely we will have Eagle Ranch, Collins, MO back on the schedule for this year. I am still working out the details on that one as we have to work around the horse ranch schedule. It has to be in August and will likely be on the 11th. It may actually be a two day with points races both days. If that is the case the Saturday race will day schedule may be altered some.

I think we will have around 12 races. I may just post the dates soon since finalizing is really taking a lot longer than I would like and holding all of you up from making plans.

400 class will now be called B Intermediate
500 class will now be called B Vet
Likely the same speed percentiles and age cut offs.

I am working on a more custom made year end award. I have not posted the top ten list but it is just as the results show. It was supposed to be 9 scores but I decided to call it 8 so a few more people could get year end awards. I intend to do top ten jackets in addition and I am working on something for top 5 in each class.

BJEC riders will be happy to know I am doing all I can to stay off of their weekends. I suspect at least two overlaps.

I expect to have the 2019 numbers open later this week. Read the entire post and learn how our numbers work. They all have meaning and some are reserved no matter if the rider it is reserved for uses it or not. Don't ask for a two digit if you didn't earn it. Those first few days have a large number of requests coming in so be patient and DO NOT order graphics until you get a confirmation email. I will be checking all of them personally and I have to look over last years results and last years numbers so it takes a bit. Please pick the class you belong in. I am growing weary of riders riding down a class. I hope to do better this year at watching for that all year long.

I still need at least one more person willing to learn scoring and help at some or all of the races. The same goes for PW scoring. I would really love to just turn that over completely to someone so that it can get the attention it deserves.

Re: Just checking in

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2018 11:16 am
by f-five
Thanks for the update. Glad to see Eagle Ranch back in consideration.

Re: Just checking in

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2018 9:44 am
by Iamdanjohnson
I opened up the numbers for 2019. With that I had to enter all the races as best I could. You can see them on the results page but I am really not quite finished so don't be surprised if some of them change just a bit. I do think you can work off of this if you need to submit vacation time in advance.