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Collins race report

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2019 2:15 pm
by Weissbeck
The Power of Prayer “ Its real people”

Well it’s Sunday and what could be more fitting then saying a few prayers. I found myself in deep conversations with the Lord here at Collins Horse Ranch. I also found myself wondering a lot about Horses.

Oh Lord please give me the strength to get this bike off the top of me. I’m trapped in the mud and may die. Lift this bike off me, help me pull myself out of this mud. Give me an electric start so I won’t have to lift my 25 pound boot up on the kick starter. Let me choose the correct path, bless those giving guidance along this course of unforgiving stone, creak, root and soil.

What an absolute beautiful piece of property. I imagined myself clippety clopping along with the sound of bees buzzing, birds singing, and the peaceful breathing of my horse beneath me. The smell of two stroke oil and 100’s of chain saw sounds snap me back into reality. I wonder is it possible for these two worlds to be as one?

On to a few wonderments about horses and horse folks: Do horses cross rut and if so could the horse break a leg? Do horse folks talk about horse shoes as much as MX folks talk about tires? Is it possible to get your horse stuck? What takes longer to clean up after a ride a horse or motorcycle? What group spends more money on their hobby? Oats, Pasture, Alfalfa? Motul, Yamalube, Lucas?

I noticed some horse residue in the parking lot, again my mind started to wonder. How must Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez feel about farting horses? Do horses even fart? If people were riding cows like horses would cows get such a bad rap?

Race report: Best ever

Thanks to the land owner, what a beautiful property. Thanks to all the folks and their effort in putting this race on. Thanks to the old hero man who gave me a ride to the race.

Troy Weissbeck 1014

Re: Collins race report

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2019 2:32 pm
by DEA
Im not sure about horses cross rutting but, I know some of the trails were pretty torn up, like a mud bog every 1/2 mile. I would love to be able to ride here again. Should we all entertain getting a group of 20 plus together for a trail restoration work day? This would help us stay on the good side of the land owners. Maybe Dan can comment on this... If everyone comes out with a rake and a garden hoe we could a least help to fill in the ruts we all helped create. Just a thought>>>>