Lets here it Milford

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Lets here it Milford

#1 Post by drussell101 » Mon Mar 12, 2012 9:49 am

Started off good, 4th into the woods. After getting around a guy was in third. With a guy on my back door I tried to pick it up. Going up the very rocky up hill section, should have turned right but, nope straight we went off course. Some one knocked down the ribben and rolled the log over. Fresh tracks went straight, hmmm

So I turned around with the other guy still on my tail, sorry guy for leading you the wrong way :wink: it happens lol. We both dropped in, put are heads down trying to make up time and then it happened. Front will jumped the rut on a tight right hand up hill slick spot and upside down and backwards I went.

At this point figured I was dead last lol! Went through scoring and it said 401 1st. Dam, my transponder isnt working. No idea were I was.

So just kept pushing but about half way through 2nd lap, goggles kept getting wet, then fogging up. cleared the 2nd lap, pulled off about a mile up. After all thought I was last, put my goggles on back wards and started off again.

Started to have allot of fun. Not sure if I passed anyone in my class or got passed. Was just to muddy and if I had to passed someone or if someone passed me I had to do it with my eyes closed :lol: :lol:

All in all a good day. Think I got 5th or 6th or maybe 7th who know but who cares. Had fun............Thanks Dan
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Re: Lets here it Milford

#2 Post by rider_hunter » Mon Mar 12, 2012 9:54 am

I loved the coarse really fun tight setup just wish there woulda been more spots to pass
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Re: Lets here it Milford

#3 Post by El Dog » Mon Mar 12, 2012 1:26 pm

Hit the practice lap and tried picking the best lines...
Lining up to start and I was most worried about getting a good start since the last several races I was dead last off the line...
E-start button fired and I got off clean, mid pack, heading into the woods. Passed a couple, got passed by a couple. Then took a right coming down a line and realized someone had broken the yellow ribbon and I was pointing the wrong direction; got passed some more....came into scoring 15th/18.
Second lap I had a trouble picking a line right or left so my brain took the 'middle'...ouch. The front tire washed out and down I went...cracked the ribs again. Tried to decide what to do...the pain only hurt when I hit a rock or went off a drop off...so I spent a lot of time standing on the pegs the last 2.5 laps. Came in thru scoring 17th/18.
Rode smooth as I could on the third lap trying to minimize the jarring. Came thru scoring 15th/18.
Then the rain started...slippin' back down those couple of uphills wasnt fun...I had made up my mind that I was quitting after the 4th lap...and was pretty glad to see the checkers flapping when I came into scoring...11th/18. That almost made the pain go away.....I said almost...
Hurts bad today...
Need to consider a set of wheels like Wirefryer got this weekend.... :lol:

Fun race; I actually liked riding in those conditions...
Thanks to all who 'Jimmied' the course to prepare for the rain...
Thanks to the scoring gals for a smooth check in...
Next race for me will be BIG SRPINGS!!
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Re: Lets here it Milford

#4 Post by WireFryer » Mon Mar 12, 2012 4:16 pm

El Dog wrote:Need to consider a set of wheels like Wirefryer got this weekend.... :lol:
Russ, might want to hold off till Shredder and I get all the 'New Model Year' problems taken care off.

It's got Showa suspension that uses Travis Pastranas' valving set-up, the factory tires are horrid on anything but dry concrete, the chassis is 'light to the point of failure' in rocky sections, and it came without guards on anything' not even the most common mod using tennis balls on the back legs, it's almost like buying a new Honda!.( I have the Right to say that, cuz' it's true! Hehehe!)

We'll get her tricked out :mrgreen: .

My, My, My.... Kmarshall9, his boy Andy and myself hit the road Saturday morning knowing we're gonna get wet, muddy, and/or irritable before the weekend is over, so I decided to drag my lil' 21 foot POS camper behind my Nissan Frontier for the first time and skip the tenting part of the weekend. Note to all mid-sized truck owners, the lil' trucks will pull said camper just fine.... but plan on 50% fuel mileage. Went from 22mpg to 11mpg, good thing they practicly give gas away :evil: .

Dan puts us to work setting up the first mile and a half, we get that knocked out and then its 'go out and clear deadfall' time. The place is dusty dry when Dan cuts us loose to proof-ride the course. Due to the fact we know rain is coming the option of using most of the fun uphills is out, so we where blazing out laps silly fast.

AirKirk found a sweet spot on Campground A for Saturday evening, somewhat out of the wind, and we all pile in there and set up shop.

The sole representive of Thomas Brothers Racing and his Wife Michelle found themselves in the middle of our tornado, but quickly adapted.

Everything was just peachy till SuperFast and Pam presented me and Dennis our new 'Ride' for the year... things went South quickly after that :wink: ( I havn't laughed that dammed hard, for that long, since Al Gore ran for President :mrgreen: )

Up at 6/5am? Sunday hangover free with roosters cackling all around us 8) , the local Coyote pack either mange'd out, or where on vacation.

Get the PW show taken care of and I take my Hutch Firefighters out for the practice loop.... I loose them in the first mile and hope like hell I never catch on fire in Reno County :mrgreen: . (sorry guys, couldn't stand it! 8) )

Get on the start line with six other Seasoned, Crafty, battle-scarred, been there-done-that types on real good equipment.

The board drops and once again my XC-F e-button could care less... three hits till it lights, meanwhile the rest of the class is GONE!

Nailed one on a drop, another on the first rocky uphill, then it was hope and pray, stayed in 4th most of the show.

Got a sick R. hand lockup on lap 4 just before the South West section. A Zook with the Grand number putts by, he wound up taking third.

Then the mist/rain kicks in and the hard pack turns into wet ice!

I was having fun with it till the quick righthander at mile 1.6 I actually stapled out, got me :roll: . Basicly shoved the bike back down the hill, got out of the Yamahas way, got a run and made it.

Had a blast in the now-wet Spruce tunnel section till I exited and some nut on a KTM is splattered on the uphill to the rocky tech section before the chat pile, I choose to use the unmarked side line with a Yammie in tow. I hit a root at the top and had to back down and hit it again, the Yammie does the same but gets dragged up by course workers KTMEric and Jbooker who have now done a re-route up a dry section. (good work, guys... saved our asses! :wink: )

Finish it out in 5th, grabbed a quick lunch and headed out to stand guard on the SW section. Hot Tip; 4S exhaust will warm your hands nicely, but make your gloves funky/stinky.

For the fast classes, it was a repeat... about the time things tacked up nice and fast.... the rain fired up and it was greasy as hell after that. The Temp dropped 20 degrees to boot!

Sweepers Schafer, Marshall, and Williams kept me company at various times, and it was a hoot watching the AA battle unfold, Tucker wanted it, and he got it.

Render, Me and Dan cut that log with you in mind! Nothing but love, buddy! :wink: .

Made myself some new friends, Big Red 1 patches just back from the Stans', they did fine.

Ohhhh, if the rain would have stopped after the first show 8) .

Good times!

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Re: Lets here it Milford

#5 Post by shredder » Mon Mar 12, 2012 7:24 pm

I did some checking around and some web surfing and I found some after market mods that are a must - have for sure! (I'll bling out anything with 2 wheels Tim!)
I am going with the carbon fiber Readers Digest slot with the added extra larger magazine rack (msrp $125.00 - rocky mountain), of course the billet anodized aluminum HONDA RED cup holder (msrp 85.00 - Cycle Gear), padded, flip down - gripper seat (with nose hair clipper holder built - in) with the 500lb test nylon seat belt option with quick-release button (msrp - $245.00 Bike Bandit) and also on my list is a soft ride no scuff suspension for better cornering and softer landings at jumps (msrp $2.20 - Spalding Tennis.com)
I am saving up for better tires and some polished aluminum rims and possibly ceramic wheel bearings so I can beat Tim at the hole shot....hmmmmmm decisions decisions.
Well I milked the whole knee injury thing for all it's worth and I've ran out of excuses, Worked every race so far this year! I've had my new #1088 Crazy 88 decals for two weeks - I have just refused to put them on! Guess I will have to take a snort of Geritol, and line up on Wirefryer's row.
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Re: Lets here it Milford

#6 Post by bshack » Mon Mar 12, 2012 8:59 pm

I finished!
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Re: Lets here it Milford

#7 Post by shredder » Mon Mar 12, 2012 9:10 pm

Yes you did! Stuck with it and got er done! Twist the throttle and keep it tire side down. When in doubt - gas it! :wink: Good job Brad!
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Re: Lets here it Milford

#8 Post by Superfast » Mon Mar 12, 2012 9:18 pm

Pulled into Milford mid-afternoon Saturday, the weather was perfect so I got a couple of hours riding in. Just before dark we headed over to the campground to meet up with Tim, Kevin, Dennis and the rest of the bunch. We had a blast sitting around the campfire and met some new people. We gave Tim and Dennis their new "ride", they were were having so much fun laughing you could probably hear them all the way over at campground C.

Woke up Sunday to a light drizzle and head to the race site. I didn't really care about the rain, figured I had made the 3 1/2 hour trip, I was going to ride regardless.

Practice went pretty smooth, loved the course and the early morning rain had added just enough moisture to keep the dust down.

On the line at 11am, hoping for a better start than I had at Collins (2nd to last off the line). Board dropped and I came off the line in 4th, not bad. Made a pass in the woods and was running third. Managed to wash the front wheel out in the sand coming back into the start bowl, got up quick and only lost 1 position. Came through scoring in 4th.

The second lap was alot of work, started to get mixed in with the 1000 and 700 class riders. Made passes where I could to keep up with the lead bikes, sorry to the guys I was reving and screaming at, but I needed by and was on a mission! Did gain one spot, came through in 3rd.

Third lap was pretty much the same as the second, making passes, swapping some spots around and keeping with the lead pack. Came through 3rd again.

The 4th lap was pretty interesting. I knew I had 2 bikes in front of me and knew who they were, decided to push forward and get a spot of 2. Came through a tight section of woods and closed in on Dan, so I knew Grayson had to be close by. Dan glanced over his shoulder and let me by so I could take on his son. Man, for a little guy that kid can ride! Heading into the uphill rock section Grayson went to the left, I grabbed a gear and went to the right, made a clean pass and glanced over my should as I hit the next corner, just to make sure he was still on 2 wheels.

So now I figure I am in 2nd place, one guy left. Didn't see another 800 in front of me for the rest of the lap, came through scoring, had to look at the scoring board twice, it said "Class Leader". AWESOME, I had never seen that before and now I was really pumped. Grayson wasn't far behind me, so I knew I had to step it up a little.

It had started to sprinkle a little towards the end of the 4th lap, now on the 5th lap things were starting to get a little slick and I was coming up on alot of lap traffic. Making passes in the slick clay was kind of interesting. Came through scoring in the lead again, didn't see any checkers so I focused on doing another lap. Dan was on the hill yelling something towards the scoring trailer, I didn't even realize he was yelling at me! He was trying to tell me I didn't have to make another lap. Too late, I was gone, out for lap 6. Kept a pretty decent pace during the lap, had I known I was the only 800 on the course I would have slowed down a bit!

To sum it up, Milford was awesome! Got my first 1st place finish, the big plastic trophy and did it in the rain .......... How's that Dan? You said bring your A game!

Sorry for the long post, still kind of pumped from the race and can't wait for Bolivar!

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Re: Lets here it Milford

#9 Post by Superfast » Mon Mar 12, 2012 9:30 pm

errrrr .......... Dennis in your reply to Brad you said "keep the tire side down". I do remember seeing Brad checking his skid plate for cracks, but I guess we don't have to count that one, it was during practice!

Great job Brad, made it through your first one! You honestly didn't think I would stay quiet about the "skid plate inspection" did you :lol:

Dennis, get that knee moving and get on the line in Bolivar! You know, since you haven't put your number graphics on yet, you still have the option of switching classes, you don't have to give in to your Geritol addiction :roll:

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Re: Lets here it Milford

#10 Post by shredder » Mon Mar 12, 2012 9:48 pm

It's only a long post if ya aint saying anything! I'm glad you went back out and didn't give up that lead. The board won't tell you how far behind you the guy behind you is! After fighting for 1st and then have to do it all over again in the rain and falling temps? Kick the tires and light the fires boys and girls....

That reminds me, your Yamaha / Freight train horn adapter is in and ready for pick up. You will have plenty of time to mount it up for Bolivar. Good job Scott

BTW -Steve Houghton aint no slouch either! :wink:
Dennis Tschirhart - #1000 something

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