Walters Ranch race reports

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Walters Ranch race reports

#1 Post by shredder » Sun Apr 22, 2012 7:31 pm

Post em here folks, I want to hear it all! :wink:
Dennis Tschirhart - #1000 something

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Re: Walters Ranch race reports

#2 Post by shredder » Sun Apr 22, 2012 8:14 pm

The following is based on a true story.... The names have not been changed so as to poke as much fun as possible. Some facts may have been "enhanced" for better reading....

Trailrider - Brad showed up with his game face today and was stone cold and pounded out a 12th place out of 22 riders with not a lot of seat time this year and at the Ranch! Great job dude!

Sportsmen - This was one race to keep your eye on for sure! SUNDAY, SUNDAY, SUNDAY! BE THERE!!! Grudge match between Grayson and Super fast - Wow what a show. Grayson was stuck to Scott at scoring like bees on honey. I got from a reliable source that last lap Grayson went "all in" and jammed it and crammed it on Scott. Opened up a whole barrel of whoop a$$ but trouble is (and sources say) that he had the cahonas to grin it, and pin it to win it in the whoop section! (ouchy) well lets just say Grayson got his full 8 seconds in and then some before the bull stopped bucking. An on the scene reporter stated that it was looking like it could turn out looking like socks in the dryer.... Grayson slowed it down quick enough for his guardian angel to fly in and just turn him around and push him over so as to get his wits back. Scott still thinking the heat was on lit the solid rocket thrusters and they burned hot till the first place finish. Even after hitting the tornado head on Grayson still finished exactly 60 seconds behind Scott..... More on this saga as the series unfolds....

C Vet- Steve Houghton was back and Todd Reffity was able to hold him off somehow at the Ranch today, which is something I've never been able to do. I think Steve chews off your rear tire knobbys till the 4th lap when you realize your not hooking up! I mean seriously I don't think that's dirt around his mouth after a race I'm sure I could smell hot rubber tire on his breath....Hmmmm

Seniors - Realized my tires were way too low and got some air from Barry Harris - Great to see ya back banging bars Barry!
Well my start was late but I started picking them off. My rear shock was shot and I was riding a pogo stick today. Hit a land mine at the rock steps and jammed my brake lever into my clutch case cover - same place as ol #93 did it 4 or so years ago. limped it back and realized somehow I was able to hold off Ed. Saw Ed at the finish and BS'ed then realized we need to move out so as the other seniors wouldn't realize the "give me".
Steve McKensie was saddled up and pulled out a nice 9th at the ranch. (He is still spanking me from my trail ridding years!)

Wirefryer was missed by all including Mike's homemade brew on tap - was over the top and went down smooooth! (poor Tim)

Last and least - as I was tearing up the uphill rock slide, a very persuasive roller rock talked me into going off trail and taking the scenic route. I still had my balance so I tried to keep up my momentum. A log decided to whiskey throttle me back onto the track at a severe angle and almost had a direct hit with Dan the man. I sensed that someone was there when I "exited" and we were both surprised to be close again so soon. (Dan's a bone head.) Instead of just giving me the boot into the side and send me on my whiskey throttle merry way back into the "scenic route", he pulls the reigns hard enough to bind up the horse's mouth and plants all four hooves deep into the rocks for a solid stop, deploys the parachute, and hits the reverse engine thrusters and air brakes. He did give me a little tap on the boot with the front tire so I was WITH OUT A DOUBT POSITIVE, that someone was - in fact - already there so as to prevent me from trying to occupy the same space at the same time...... (anyone that finds my underwear out at the uphill rock slide - well there yours...)
Well I'm tired but wow what an awesome weekend fo sho!!!
Let's here yours!
Dennis Tschirhart - #1000 something

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Re: Walters Ranch race reports

#3 Post by shredder » Sun Apr 22, 2012 8:32 pm

Rumor has it Scott that during the epic battle of a series lifetime you got cut today? I mean I've heard of banging bars but what the hell was going on out there anyway?
Give us the scoop! :mrgreen:
Dennis Tschirhart - #1000 something

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Re: Walters Ranch race reports

#4 Post by tclimber » Mon Apr 23, 2012 5:26 am

wow almost like being there I could almost smell it no worries I will be there with the new trail Hog in Nebraska getting the cow catcher mounted and new 10 ply tires to hold he up :lol: cant wait
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Re: Walters Ranch race reports

#5 Post by bshack » Mon Apr 23, 2012 9:04 am

I spent the first couple hours in bed last night "reviewing" the race. The rocky terrain was very intimidating even in my dreams! I woke up later in the night and I swear that I was laying in the rocks! I was relieved to find that it was only a sore bottom side and stiff knees. 11Th out of 22 was pretty good for a fat guy. I think I'm starting to get the hang of this dirt bike stuff!
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Re: Walters Ranch race reports

#6 Post by E.A. » Mon Apr 23, 2012 9:14 am

What a day for two "new guys" to this sport:

First I wanted to say "thank you" to all those that put this event on, it was absolutely great. Everyone from the workers to fellow riders was always a pleasure to talk to.

For myself, this was my very first event, and was totally stoked to be able to finish 2 laps. I have only about 10-13 hours TOPS on a dirt bike at all maybe less, (3hrs on the KAW I rode yesterday) So for me this was very much a massive learning curve. I was happy with the 14th place, however all I can wish is that I would have done a 3rd lap or at least "attempted" one LOL. Oh well, there is always next race.

Jeff B. came with me, this was also his very first event, and I would imagine he has about the same seat time, if not a little less them myself. So once again just a big learning curve, and an awesome experience.

Things I learned from this event:

1) Don't do a "practice lap" (not until I am in better shape)
2) Rocks hurt really bad
3) Its hard to finish a lap, with no rear brake, shifter and bent handle bars
4) Chicks dig scars

With that being said, I know that both Jeff and myself learned a LOT of good stuff, and can't wait for the next event!

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Re: Walters Ranch race reports

#7 Post by WireFryer » Mon Apr 23, 2012 12:28 pm

Perfect, just perfect!

Not only do I miss on of my favorite courses of the season.... I miss out on free beer to boot !:x .

Rastafracking economy, anyway! (muttermumble, muttermumble)

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Re: Walters Ranch race reports

#8 Post by shredder » Mon Apr 23, 2012 8:26 pm

bshack wrote:I spent the first couple hours in bed last night "reviewing" the race. The rocky terrain was very intimidating even in my dreams! I woke up later in the night and I swear that I was laying in the rocks! I was relieved to find that it was only a sore bottom side and stiff knees. 11Th out of 22 was pretty good for a fat guy. I think I'm starting to get the hang of this dirt bike stuff!
I'll tell you what Brad, just wait till it's raining and so sloppy muddy that your bike alone weighs another 100 lbs and traction up out of a creek bed is almost impossible for most....EXCEPT for us fat guys! We rock in the slop! Everyone is sliding backwards on a hard pack dirt slip n slide and I can even pull my front wheel up just a bit! (and I'm grinning cause I'm winning!)

Oh and on another note there was some talk in the pits causing a small stir... seems that ol slomojo aint so slo no mo! Yeah he pounded out a top five finish at the ranch. Eye on the prize man, eye on the prize!
Dennis Tschirhart - #1000 something

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Re: Walters Ranch race reports

#9 Post by Superfast » Mon Apr 23, 2012 10:27 pm

Don't even know how I am going to top Dennis' post, he summed everything up pretty good!

My weekend started saturday, arrived there a little after 5pm and got in a ride before dark. Yup, I was back at Walters, rocks brought back memories of last years race! Did some grilling and sat around the campfire with Pam and Dennis, good relaxing night.

Up in the morning and ready to go. Looks like the weather forecast had changed a little, it was now a bit chilly and the wind was picking up, what happened to 70's and sun?

Went out for practice with Brad, figured I had to show him the wrong way to hit the first rock ledge section, and dumped the bike right in the middle! Always good to get the first crash out of the way during practice :lol:

Noon time came quick, so it was time to hit the line. I lined up on the left side of the 800 stake, thought I made a bad choice at first cause no one else was on that side. Grayson was lined up on the other side of the stake so I knew I was in the right place, been battling with him quite a bit this season.

The board goes sideways and gun goes off, one good kick and I am off. Got a great start, out in second, right on Grayson's rear fender as we hit the first corner. Kept the bike stuck there just waiting for the right time to pass. Ended up making the pass at the first rock ledge section (took the same line I crashed on earlier in the day, but the bike stuck this time :D ). Now with a clear course in front of me I started making as much time as I could. Came through scoring in 1st on the first lap (still cool to see "Class Leader" on the board :mrgreen: ).

The second lap I got held up a little with a rider from a different class, tried a few times for a pass, but he wasn't letting me pass. Guess he thought we were in the same class. I knew the longer i waited the closer Grayson was getting so I had to do something, tried for a pass on one of the sweeping corners in the woods. I could have sworn those saplings were a little farther apart :roll: one ended up grabbing my bars hard and down I went. As my left handlebar hit the ground the clutch lever caught my pinky finger between the clutch and grip, felt like it ripped it off. Didn't even bother looking at that time, bike was still running, I think I was back on the seat in about 3 seconds and making up for lost time. About a 100ft further down the trail I looked at my hand and saw all my fingers were still there (or atleast the parts were still in my gloves). I caught back up to the rider I had been stuck behind, he moved right over and let me by, guess he figured out I really wanted to pass him. The adrenalin from the crash pushed me through the rest of the lap pretty quick. Back through scoring in first.

Took a breath, banged my levers straight and headed back out for the 3rd lap, nothing really happened this lap, kept it clean, bike on 2 wheels and pretty decent pace.

Here is where it gets a little interesting, coming through scoring at the end of lap 3, still showing I am in first but there is a bike right behind me. As I round the corner of cones, I see it is Grayson, he caught up to me! I exited scoring quicker than I had all day, had to light the fire, there is no way I am going to give up first place, especially on the last lap. Through the ditch hard in second, clicked into third as I hit the downhill start section and kept the throttle pinned (not at all joking, it was pinned!) hit the whooped out section, kept the front end light and pushed towards the woods. I knew I had to make it to the woods before he did. Came up on another rider just before entering the woods, I was reving the bike like crazy, luckily he saw/heard me and knew I ment buisness, he moved well out of the way as I blasted through. I hit that first section of woods fast ........very fast, I don't think I backed off the throttle for about 3/4 of a mile, and that was only cause I had to slow down to make the corner! I kept the heat on, ran a good clean lap, kept the bike on 2 wheels and pushed as hard as I could. I left everything I had left on the course and hit scoring in 1st Place, boy I was glad to see the checkered flag!

After the race Dan called me over and told me what had happened when we exited scoring. I guess Grayson was determined to make a pass on me in the deep whoop section, and as Dennis described, he went for a pretty good rodeo ride. I gotta give Grayson some credit here, he is one pretty fast kid! Look forward to battling more with him the rest of the season.

Dennis, as for the cut, don't really know what happened. Once back at the trailer getting my riding gear off, I had a pretty good wack on my thigh, looks like someone nailed me good with a broomstick, broke the skin and swelled up a little. Didn't even notice it when I was riding, most likely it happened when I went down in the saplings.

Thanks to everyone who put on this race, the course flowed great and it was a blast!

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Re: Walters Ranch race reports

#10 Post by mikeydidit98 » Mon Apr 23, 2012 11:29 pm

So after 2 races of trying for the hole shot, I decided I was going to reign myself in at the start. I even promised my fellow rider as much, saying I was going out in dead last.. to which he admitted that that was HIS chosen position for this start. So, the shotgun fires, I start her up first kick... and I wait. What MUST have been a half eternity later (.87 seconds to most people), my fellow rider had not yet left, and the other two guys down the line were still kicking (gotta love them 4 stroke guys... always count on them to give up a place or two along the way, just to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt, yet once again, that 4 strokes SUCK for harescrambles). So, having partially fulfilled my promise to start dead last, I take off down the hill. Then I notice it - there are still a LOT of slow guys in the 500 class. I mean by the woods, I have already passed 4 or five of them. Now to be fair, I'm thinking most of the fast guys decided to sleep in, but I like to fool myself (you know, that "other" me inside my head) into thinking I am fast, so anything works.

At the end of lap 1, I think I am 6th. The thumb that I jacked up on the practice lap is even starting to be able to grip again, and I am starting to think I need me some more places. So, for the remaining laps I am back giving it all I have. I think I may have gotten a bit spacey about 3/4 way around the last lap, because I kept doing the dumbest mistakes and twisting my baby all around. Thankfully, I held it together enough to keep the 4th place finish... again, the fast 500 guys were OBVIOUSLY not at this race. But, I'll take anything I can take... or steal for that matter.

And oh, by the way, WHERE did all those rocks come from since the last time I raced WR? I told some poor new guy that WR was much easier than Collins or Bolivar. I'm betting he hit that one slippery rocky slope out of the creek and started cussing me about half way up, as he got stuck, yet again. My advice... never take my advice... unless I recommend that you buy a Rekluse for such obstacles. :lol:
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