2017 Scoring people needed!! Please!!

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2017 Scoring people needed!! Please!!

#1 Post by Iamdanjohnson » Wed Jan 11, 2017 2:28 pm

For as long as we have been racing, the hardest part is getting someone to do the scoring. We always seem to luck out and have one or two who will step up and do this task but seldom ever have the luxury of having a “spare”. We currently have two people who know the scoring system, Kim Hightower and Wendy Arnold. Amy Yuille often does the PW scoring and helps when we are short handed. With only two the burden is great and quite difficult for them to get a “day off”.

I find that when I post this same need over and over, eventually someone new just happens to read it and I get a new scorekeeper. So, how about it? Would anyone like to jump in and do this thankless task? It does pay but only slightly better than McDonalds and they give you half price Big Macs! The primary scorekeeper has the major load and those helping out feel a lot less pressure. You just need to know basic computer skills and like to work directly with people. The job has gotten a tiny bit better over the years with the addition of a trailer with windows that now keep out some of the dust. There is heating and cooling in there as well.

And while I am on this track, we need help to do peewee sign up and scoring as well. We have one family doing it now but when they don’t show up, we have nobody at all to do it. Someone could start out doing this and easily move to helping with the big bikes.
Dan Johnson KTM 250 XC
Thanks to the support I get from Debbie, Jadan, Grayson, and Karly Johnson AND Dunlop, Letko, Cycle Zone, Motorcare.

It's all good!

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Re: 2017 Scoring people needed!! Please!!

#2 Post by mxanadu » Tue Mar 06, 2018 1:35 pm

I am free to help with scoring or any other jobs needed, but I would like to race as well. I could do PW and one of the big bike races. Also if any volunteers are needed for set up or anything else let me know.
I am a software engineer so I may be over qualified. :lol:
Contact Wayne @ 785-506-5879

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