MUST READ race information!!!

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MUST READ race information!!!

#1 Post by Iamdanjohnson » Mon May 07, 2018 8:25 am

Every rider and parents of younger riders need to read this. Information is king so knowing all of this will greatly improve your race day experience. Riders simply do not come to the rider's meetings anymore and often I forget or simply don't repeat all of this but everyone must know it. A great deal of this is on a banner next to the sign up window. Read it all again even if you have read it before.

Second practice starts when the checkers come out. This is usually going to be 1:00 but may vary slightly. When the checkers come out, you can enter the course AT SCORING or just beyond scoring. NEVER enter the track before scoring even if the starting area happens to be before scoring. Never get into racers on the course. If you happen to be faster than a racer still on the course you have to stay out of their way. This can happen when the 6 to 12 group races first. If this becomes an issue, second practice may be taken away and I really don't want to do that.

Go slow in the pits at all times. Kids, dogs, and people are everywhere.

When Saturday riding is allowed, it is just as important to go slow in the pits and ONLY ride on the marked course. DO NOT GO EXPLORING on land that we are lucky enough to be on in the first place. Too many fences, cattle, ravines, and who knows what else.

PW parents should help their child put the bike away after their event. It is not safe to ride once their race is over.

No rider should be on the course during the opposite race unless you are working.

Other things you will miss by not coming to the rider's meeting:

Start location and how it will be run.

Where the actual spot is for the holeshot determination (if there is one that day).

How the start actually works. Start board 30 seconds and sideways at 15. One row every minute.

Start order will usually be the same as the leading digit on the bikes and there will be markers.

Specific stuff applicable to that race/land.

Slow in scoring! This is seldom observed so the scoring lane is going to get tighter. NEVER pass in scoring! You have six miles to make up time and pass other riders, scoring is the most important 100 feet on the course so use it wisely.

Look for your number on the screen to make sure you read.

Race time is 2 hours on the 1 to 5 race

Race time is 1:55 on the 6 - 12 race.

JR and Fun class stop on the even hour after they start. This works out to about 55 minutes.

Don't mistake a JR rider getting checkers and leaving the course with your race. JR riders should look for the clock on their own just in case we have forgotten. JR parents we don't mind being reminded!

Round clock is near scoring and will have the actual time showing.

You cannot check your transponder for the first half of second practice as the computer is still in race mode from the first race.

Every bike must have the correct numbers on it when you arrive at the line. No number or incorrect numbers are unfair to everyone including that rider.

Results cannot even start until the last rider is off the course so usually 30 minutes after the hour then 15 for the actual work so don't even ask about results. When they are done they will be posted. If we are running later than that then we likely are not too happy or having a good day! That will usually be 45 minutes after the hour then there is a 15 minute protest period (this is usually just a scoring error time period). Then trophies will be handed out about 15 minutes after the second race gets underway. This is not a trophy presentation as much as just handing them out to people who want to get going. A rider can just wait for the second trophy time which is about one hour after the final race of the day.

All classes NEED to move over for riders, not in your class, who are catching you. They started one minute or more behind you so when they are touching your wheel, they are one minute ahead of you on time so just move. You don't have to move much. If you cant move right away, give an indication you know they are behind you and they will likely be more patient. Those of you who are in the same class, don’t capitalize on this courtesy. Wait and earn the pass you make. The integrity you are building will reward you much more.

This also applies to being lapped by the leaders but I recommend moving faster!

Editorial comment: If someone in YOUR class is all over you, maybe think about letting them go and following them. You can go much faster following. You will know when this applies and when it doesn't.

If you find yourself catching the class in front of you often or find yourself being caught often, it may indicate you are in the wrong class. This entire speed system works much better if you just ride the correct class.

Follow the darn course! You know when you are cutting it so don't try and excuse it away.
Dan Johnson KTM 250 XC
Thanks to the support I get from Debbie, Jadan, Grayson, and Karly Johnson AND Dunlop, Letko, Cycle Zone, Motorcare.

It's all good!

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Re: MUST READ race information!!!

#2 Post by Iamdanjohnson » Mon May 07, 2018 8:28 am

If you see something I missed let me know and I will add it to the original post.
Dan Johnson KTM 250 XC
Thanks to the support I get from Debbie, Jadan, Grayson, and Karly Johnson AND Dunlop, Letko, Cycle Zone, Motorcare.

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Re: MUST READ race information!!!

#3 Post by millwright » Mon May 07, 2018 11:12 am

Looks to me like you covered most everything Dan.
If I could add one thing as a land owner/promoter it would be that the parking area is NOT a race track and it is NOT a free for all to let your kids ride around. There is already enough going on and it would be super easy for a little guy or gal to get into a accident. Plus it is likely in someone's yard or hayfield that they don't want all tore up. đź‘Ť

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Re: MUST READ race information!!!

#4 Post by Diamonds » Mon May 07, 2018 8:36 pm

Good stuff here, Dan. Thanks for posting. I agree with above post on the parking lot. Maybe something should be said to the sweepers.....that they are there to sweep, not race the other riders. I don't know how many times I've had someone come up on me and I pulled over to get out of the way, only to see that it was one of the sweepers. No excuse for that. They need to sweep and help riders, not use it as practice for the next race. Just my opinion though.
Trent Glass
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Re: MUST READ race information!!!

#5 Post by Khowat » Fri Jul 13, 2018 11:08 pm

Post this on FB, alot of people don't read the messages much anymore. Makes me feel old too.

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