KATVA race report

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KATVA race report

#1 Post by Weissbeck » Tue Aug 28, 2018 8:32 am

Hero (a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities)

Weight loss (the fact of a person's or an animal's body weight becoming less)

Humidity (a quantity representing the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere or a gas)

Rocks (the solid mineral material forming part of the surface of the earth and other similar planets, exposed on the surface or underlying the soil or oceans)

I hear talk about a vet 50 class not sure why, from what I can tell most of the guys in vet 40 are over fifty and for sure holding their own. How about the guys that are over 60? My new Hero is Hauling the mail in the class, probably wouldn’t want me to use his name but second place and a first place points finish in those kind of conditions well, dang son!

Got a good start for a change, held my place for the first lap. The guys in front were much faster and I knew that the boys from behind were on their way. Sure enough the usual suspects showed up on the second lap I let them bye. Was able to hold on to Rich and Suzuki Guy. Developed a plan that I would let them wear each other out, it was 50% successful.

The heat and Humidity really got to me. I was seeing strange things on the course; Unicorn, Sasquatch, Mermaid, White flag on the third lap? And someone hollering at me One lap to go, what how is that possible didn’t I see a white flag on the last lap? Nothing worse than pulling out of a race, so had to Man up and take on the last lap, needless to say I Phoned it in!

Last lap plan was to just not crash on the Rocks, and to pick up the pace if I seen any 1000 guy on my tail, figured they had to be as spent as myself. Well my early plan work out, ran across Rich worn out by battling with Suzuki Guy, so picked up a position. I don’t know Suzuki Guy but dang son, obviously you got some kind of cardio plan, stamina or something, good job putting down that kind of time on the last lap in these kind of conditions, you are a beast.

I pushed the fluids on Friday and Saturday, but no kidding Lost 5 Pounds from Friday to Monday. Conditions were brutal on me. Lap times just kept getting worse, maybe next time!!

Almost forgot liked the off bike start. Gave us guys without, Electric start, Auto Clutch, Electric bike a fighting chance.

KATVA,FMHSC,PERRY thanks for making it possible! Very organized, professional, exceeded expectations.

Troy Weissbeck 1014

Posts: 179
Joined: Fri Jan 05, 2007 2:34 pm
Location: Olathe KS

Re: KATVA race report

#2 Post by PK » Wed Aug 29, 2018 11:38 pm

Perry Keegan

2008 Race of the Year Drexel MO
2010 Race of the Year Big Springs KS
2011 Race of the Year Big Springs KS
2014 Race of the Year Big Springs KS
2017 Race of the Year Heartland Motorsports Park

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