IMPORTANT: Read and Respond to "Big Springs in trouble post"

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IMPORTANT: Read and Respond to "Big Springs in trouble post"

#1 Post by CTL450 » Thu Apr 05, 2012 3:30 pm

It is important that everyone get involved here and at least write letters and emails to help support the Big Springs riding area. With the loss of Merwin as an open practice area for the year, we are quickly running out of any place near by to ride. Even if you don't ride at Big Springs often or ever, it's still important to have a strong showing of numbers here, before we have NO place to ride at all. Perhaps local media can help us along here as well?? Most of you have heard that we recently lost the KCIR race track do to complaining neighbors... GV and Kingsville tracks have had similar complaints. If we don't start fighting for these places to remain open and support them, we are all going to be sitting around watching bowling on ESPN... And good luck selling your bike, if there is no where to go ride it...

Do what you can!


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