Osage County Race Report

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Osage County Race Report

#1 Post by FlyinRyan » Sun Nov 06, 2016 8:36 pm

Control much? Gates didn't open until 8:00 and not a second earlier so the county got to deal with a road that was basically closed until about 10:00 when the gate was able to catch up with traffic. If in the future it continues like it has gone I might suggest putting three or four people at the gate collecting money and taking signatures. If they could run four cars in the same time and they are running one that might help relieve some of the congestion.

It was much different driving into a race on race day. It's a much cheaper experience but it's not quite the family experiences I've come to like for the forward motion racing series. Anyway so I was getting all of my gear on and getting ready for the race and I noticed that a bunch people were over along the west fence line. I went over to see what was going on and Paul appeared to be doing a talk of some sort but I couldn't hear him so I took my bike to the line. Turns out that may have been a mistake because apparently Paul was upset that people were starting their bikes while he was talking. I even heard that he was writing down the numbers of the bikes that were lined up and was going to deduct a minute from everyone's times that had a bike on the line. (Not confirmed)

Great year with a lot of great riders in the 700 class and thank you everyone for making me feel like a kid again. Thank you Dan for making this series happen. Congratulations to Greg and Philip on 1st and 2nd in the C Vet Class. John, I hope you will accept 3rd in appreciation for all of the help that you gave me in putting a lift kit on the race cart. Don't worry about it, I'm happy to take fourth because placing is really not that big of an issue with me and your help with the cart was invaluable so I thought giving you third was the least I could do.

Tom Brunholtz showed up today at Carbondale and soon as I saw him there I knew that I was going to be one place farther back than I thought that I would be at the end of the day. Well unfortunately I heard that he got thrown over the bars and hurt his arm and was unable to finish the race. My thoughts and prayers are with Tom and I hope he's not hurt too bad.

Congratulations to Hole Shot Shane, today I think he got his 10th of the year.

Looking forward to seeing everyone again in January.
Ryan Salmans, Proud dad of Tayler and Tyler Salmans and grandfather of Kameron Baker
Auburn Kansas
2012 KTM 300 xc-w
2017 743 C Vet Giddy Up, Let's Ride
2016 743 C Vet 4th
2015 1043 Vet 40 5th
2014 743 C Vet 4th
2013 743 C Vet 4th

Thanks to Ground On-Site Storage L.L.C., Ryan's Remodel L.L.C., Cycle Zone, and my dogs Foxy, Jade, and Autumn

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Re: Osage County Race Report

#2 Post by jgordo » Sun Nov 06, 2016 9:24 pm

This year was a blast!!! Almost every race this year I raced constantly with people all race long. Even when we were racing for 5th, we were racing!! Congratulations to all the kids, adults, parents, grandparents and anyone else that got up numerous Sunday mornings to make races this year!! The layout at Carbondale was fun, the foot deep powder sucked, not being able to see 5' sucked but I was doing what I love! Phillip Archibald you ran a great race! Shawn and I hooked up and had a terrific battle for the last two laps. Ryan, well even after all the trash you talk on me I know you jumped off the top of your camper just so I could get third and you could stay in the 700 club one more year!!! Looking forward to seeing all the family at the banquet!!
Thanks to Big Time Bail Bonds, One way custom paint, flatland Racing, Factory Skid mark, Dragon Alliance, Duro tires and Protaper. And our newest backer Cooper Construction.
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Re: Osage County Race Report

#3 Post by gcat7 » Mon Nov 07, 2016 12:58 pm

Had to be one of the nicest days in Osage County history for racing. Appreciate all the hard work Paul & the gang put into the course and it's layout. It was a fun day. It took me awhile to get to work this AM. Out of habit, I turned left, then right, left, then right about 300 times but made it in time. :lol:

Cheer's to Shane Weimer aka Capt'n Hole Shot for winning the #1 overall for the 1K club and 10th hole shot of the year. Great Season Shane!

on to the report...

Another good turn out as #1 overall was on the line between Shane & Todd. Ol' Hole shot did his thing and went into turn one and never looked back-well maybe a few times :wink: . Meanwhile I was mid-pack and got pushed outside into the turn two soft-serve pudding trying to make the corner. Went into the sticks 5 or 6th maybe. Had a spirited lap with Weimer, Sexton, Presley and Schupp sucking in as much dust as humanly possible-it was bad, still hacking up Carbondale today. :shock: We all basically went wheel to wheel thru scoring for lap one, with me in the 2 spot. I honestly don't remember how I landed the two spot in lap one but I sure had fun getting there?? :? Somewhere along lap 2 I had another flame out & Sexton went buzzing by & swiped the two spot. Todd & I were rubbing wheels the entire next 2 laps. We rubbed tires so much, it started a fire & I got burned, dumped in the corner & leg got pinned under the bike. I went full earth worm and finally wiggled out but was blocking the track-sorry Jason if I held you up - I had no where to get out of the way. Apologized to Jason and we off went, crossed 3rd lap 3. After a few puff's on the Camelbak I caught Todd again on one of those sweet full-throttle, roller coaster sweeping corners when he took an inside line. Talk about being on rails, dang that was intense - sling shot'd into 2nd thru lap 4.
Lap 5 was just holding the position until an 800 went down right in front of me & my wheel got locked in his rear tire & the fender. I knew Todd was close & I was cussing Sailor style -sorry about that 800 guy - wasn't cussing you just cussing Todd as he went by :wink: . No way I was giving up that position on the last lap--got back on track & chased him down. I'll be damned, I caught him in the exact same spot as the lap before for the exact same full-throttle sweeper pass--what a rush. Crossed a dusty second place on the final lap.

All I can say is the 1000's class is full of great guys & racers. It was a fun season getting to know everyone and rubbing tires with these guys.

Hope y;all enjoyed the race reports :lol: See y'all at the banquet

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Re: Osage County Race Report

#4 Post by Spooner » Wed Nov 09, 2016 9:59 pm

I guess I'll keep the all 'old guy' theme going :mrgreen:

First of all, big thanks to Jason Chandler for helping me with my jetting prior to this race. My bike has ran like crap and fouled plugs since I got it 2 year ago and this was the first time it ran crisp and clean. Unfortunately I still suck at riding it but this certainly helps me out!

Practice was good, verified my jetting was good but there were so many leaves down and I went out pretty early so it was hard to tell where to go. It was a lot better by the time we raced. The riders meeting was brutal as always at Carbondale but it was a beautiful day to ride dirt bikes so it was all good!

My start was finally good again-another benefit of proper jetting :roll: Was 4th going into the woods and held that the first lap. I could tell I had a freight train behind me and lost a couple spots the next lap. Really the whole race was pretty uneventful. John Gordon caught up to me on the third lap I believe and heckled me a bit as I attempted to roost him off my back wheel but he finally snuck by. On the last lap I heard a bike coming fast and had a few AA guys come by already so I rolled off in an open section and Flyin Ryan blew past me. He disappeared when I tried to give chase so apparently he finally got out of first gear because he was on the gas that last lap. Came through and the clock said straight up 2 so I pulled off. I didn't see a checkered but I really didn't want to do another lap and found out later we started a few minutes late. Lost one spot because of it but this place isn't exactly my favorite course so I wasn't itching to do another 8 miles.

All in all a good race, no crashes and got to bang bars with my buddies so I can't complain! I hope next season I can ride other than at the races so I can actually work on my speed a bit but I always have fun at the races as long as I have some guys to chase I'm having fun. See you guys at the banquet.
2012 KTM 250xc

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