Milford race report

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Milford race report

#1 Post by Weissbeck » Tue Mar 13, 2018 2:07 pm

View from 1000 feet

Well I guess its that time again, when everything is new.

New bikes, New tires, New Gear, New season of racing, New folks in the class

I remember reading these race reports when I first started riding in the series and I like them, so just suffer through it, or turn the channel.

Looks like a couple of new faces in the 1000 class, welcome, Jim and Tim from the looks of the results your right where you should be. Beware of other 1000 riders if you talk to them you might want to reserve a block of time, it will be impossible to get away.

The goal today was to make six laps, little disappointed with five, however had some really good racing, after all isn’t that why we’re here. Followed 1075 for the first two laps, just couldn’t get around. Lost sight of Jim on the third lap. Caught up on the fourth lap. Jim seen me through scoring, I seen that Jim seen me and pretty much knew that there was no way in hell that I would see him again and I didn’t, he really put it down on the fifth lap. An interesting stat 6th,7th,8th and 9th places were the same folks throughout the race.

Just know: A Honda Ridgeline is like a KLR 650: Not the best at anything. Owners love them. You feel like you’re a member of an exclusive club. Do not ask me about either if my wife is in ear shot, you wont be able to survive the eye roll, I have developed an immunity.

Thanks Fwd Motion crew for all the hard work

Troy Weissbeck 1014

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Re: Milford race report

#2 Post by gcat7 » Tue Mar 13, 2018 4:43 pm

Great Racing, horrible weather... is Milford near the north pole? Dan and the gang found every rock in the place and had a few loads trucked in. I had to say goodbye to a brand new Ibex :-) Fun track & its good to see the race crew again. Thank you all for your efforts!

On to the report from the 500's...

As many know, I dumped the stroker for a smoker this year to try to keep up with these guys. The mixer starts a hell of a lot quicker and went into the woods 4th in not so attack mode. That worked great for about 1/2 a lap trying to keep up with the top 3 guys then creamed a pine for a sweet superman and went down hard which David Semrad caught nicely on his go pro. I think the entire class went by so I decided to start riding again and crossed 8th after lap one. The rest of the race was a great battle with Jim Brawner. We must have traded spots about 3 time each lap for the next 3-4 laps. (The lake rocks were Jim's Achilles which I tried to exploit and we gladly laughed about that at the end of the race.) I was having so much fun racing Jim the last lap Chad Cooper went flying by me in a wide open spot like Chuck Yeager hitting the ignite button on the X1. Thought to myself hey, there's Chad..then oh @$@#$ there goes Chad ..@$@%@#%^! So it was on between JIm, Chad & I. For the last lap we were ripping the grey out of our hair and unfortunately Chad tucked into corner and went down leaving Jim & I to deal with large shoreline Rocks. See Achilles above and I crossed a somewhat respectable 6th which could have easily been 8th. Great racing with those guys, it was fun.

Congrats to David Semrad for the win & the great pics he sent.
Congrats to Tyler, Jake & Nolan for their first big bike race.
Un-congrats to Tucker Smith who is full of expletives in totally un-passable situations and flipping me off going by when it was safe to pass. You are fast as hell but cool you're not.

Take care gang.
Greg Catanzaro
2019 #55
2018 #574
2017 #740, #574
2016 #1074
2015 #740

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